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Posts posted by Reallunacy

  1. If you you want to charge them for assault for any physical abuse that is awesome, however making bullying a crime is retarded. Her parents should of taught their kid how to deal with emotional, teachers should have handled the students and informed parents. All those texts/emails, you can block peoples phone numbers which would have eliminated that issue and the emails, worst case she could have created a new email account and just not given the people at her school her new address. Bullying should be squashed by the adults involved, but it should not be made illegal in its own rite. :angry:

  2. I agree the party is looking pretty crappy these days, but I didn't like the idea then or now. Taking money from people who earned it to pay for someone else is against the ideals of this country. If they had gone and found a way to work with the AMA to limit insurance prices or some kind of tort reform I would have supported it.

    The reason insurance prices are like they are is for a while suing a doctor for any mistake was the norm. Every time it happened insurance prices for the doctors went up, doctors raised their prices to compensate, we had to pay more so our insurance charged more. It is a viscous cycle. Don't get me wrong, suing for gross negligence is fine by me, but the numbers that were coming out of these suits were ridiculous.

    It is the exact same issue with auto insurance we have right now. except states already mandated auto insurance yet didn't regulate rates. I would prefer if they didn't require them, but since they do, they should also regulate rates. As a 20 year old with a clean driving history I pay over $200 a month for full coverage on a 2002 Intrepid V6 2.7L. Mildly ridiculous if you ask me.

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