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Lost Legacy

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Posts posted by Lost Legacy

  1. Planning on building a new box before the end of the year, but i'm not sure with what material i should use.

    ill be building roughly a 100 litre ported box. and want to get the most out of the sub.

    last box sort of failed as the wood was under too much pressure because it was a very small sealed box.

    wish to avoid this problem second time round.

    Any advice you can give me will be much appreciated.



  2. Just as a good rule of thumb bro you will pretty much never get the $$ back out of a piece of equipment. So dont set your hopes on getting that. I would accept anything that is a reasonable price compared to what you paid for it man but hey if you manage to get your money back out of it then good for you just dont set your sights on it

    yeah i know aye, if u expect too much, then u will never sell it and so never get the money, ive decided if it sells thats cool, if not then ill probably just wire it up and use it haha

  3. x2 this. for example if you get an amplifier that can output a true 1500rms and you are powering a 1000rms woofer with it with gains tuned to 1000rms, it will (99% of the time) sound better than lets say a 1000rms amp on a 1000rms woofer.

    this is because the amp has more headroom (extra power that its not outputting so to say) and doesnt have a chance to distort.

    makes sense, thanks for the information :)

  4. thanks for the replies guys, you got a real good point with the whole sound thing, true that the only way to know if it's too loud or not is to simply install and try it. if i do end up selling it i think ill put it up for a bit more than what i payed because i was fortunate enough to talk the guy in the shop down a few hundred dollars haha.

    oh another question is that, if i run the amp a fair bit under the supposed average RMS, will it still sound good?

  5. Just wondering what people would expect to pay or be willing to pay for a brand new Fusion NV-Series NV-AM 25001 amp?

    Im asking this because i recently bought one but have decided not to install it into my car and was hoping to sell it, but not sure on what price i should sell it for. It has not been used and is sitting in the box it came in in my room, so i'd say it's brand new.

    what do you think i should sell it for?


    also im sure some of you could answer me this.

    If i run my 15" sub at RMS 825W with this amp, how loud would it be?

    would it be too loud to sit in and listen to like day in and day out?

    and if i did run this amp would i need to run a second battery and alternator or would i be sweet running it off the one battery and alternator?

    thanks heaps if you can help :)

  6. Legacy if you like dubstep look up Excision, Datsik, Cookie Monsta, The Widdler, Borgore, and many more. If you goto soundcloud.com you can download a ton of music for free and listen to the tracks before you download and they have all genres. But personally I like dubstep because of the bass drops and alot of the bass wobbles sound sick. I hope this helps!

    thanks heaps ill have a look at some of these now

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