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Posts posted by Bossmaan

  1. I know all you west boys have some dope shows, which are rare here in Toronto, and usually don't have much hype..

    anyhoo, Imporfest is happening sat and Im not sure whos here from Toronto thats gonna show up, but I will be going just to kill time

    will have some pics and videos and such, of models too :P

    stay tuned!

  2. okay chode, i know you remember the last story i told you about the 2 bulls... now we gotta aproach this matter a little different! what you wanna do 1st is be sure to take things real slow (im not talking about sex, so hit that shit ASAP) but more the relationship part of things.... start out with booty calls that way you keep the ball in your court. at the first sign of her trying to pull some bull shit head game tell her that this shit just aint gonna happen again and that she needs to go decide what she really wants! the moral of this aproach is... "if you love something, set it free. if it comes back to you, its yours, if it doesnt it never was"

    man knows what he's talkin about right hurr. N1 burrito. but believe me chode thats how it should be done sometimes... i've done similar shit and man them colours came out fast, and still FHITB

  3. wow.. well you have to take many things into consideration youngster. Sure you're feelings are strong and vice versa, but you've gotta sit down and just think it over little by little, go over the reasons you guys broke up, is it bound to happen again? or how can you stop something from repeating itself, why would you wanna get back with her again (despite the love connection), and how much do her changes bother you, can you tolerate them without forcing change on her?. etc etc. Don't jump to a conclusion from the get go and let feelings control everything, think rationally and see if it works out for u. You can only try right? Im assuming you were with her for a minute before things went sour. Ultimately, you gotta ask yourself, do you see a future with her? (if not.. FHITB, lol jk)

    I've had my fair share of girls. Ex's become an ex for a reason, in the past i've made mistake of getting back with one, beat it a few times and things went sour, so i just broke up with her and beat it one more time for good measure :) BUT, that was the way our relationship was, it was doomed, but I was young at the time and thought otherwise.. your case may be different. Think it over mayn, long and hard, cause like you said. you don't wanna get hurt again.

  4. An idea that may help save a tad bit of bandwidth is somehow set your videos up so that you have to be a member to view and download them. Somepeople wont take the time to join the site, and the ones who do join will help your community grow

    Oh and you got a hater saying his system is better with his one 12" rf....

    that's more of a retard than a hater

    great vids stevo let them muhfuckas rip

  5. nope it has not been metered, tell me though I know your in north sac did you hear it last nite about 6pm, we heard car alarms going off a few blocks away hehehehehe, omg its freaking STUPID LOUD.

    Steve wheres the pics mang??

    errr :blink: holy wow, i need to hit up your guys turf, i got fams up there too. so staying over won't be a problem at all. :lol:

  6. ROLL OUT!


    Few Base Layers to Cover up big holes


    Blah What a Mess


    Lookin better i suppose


    Factory Mat goes back on



    Puttin it Back together




    Bitch ass Brake Light, I hate this thing, my sub flexes it enough to hit the window constantly, im gonna take it out the second I finish drawing out my design for rear deck :D


    Don't mind the black tape bandage on the index finger, i cut myself so i had to do a quick fix while working.



    Seats back on


    Good as New


  7. well I had punch series by 9s and components, decided to bring out the JBL power series (no pics of components sorry!), and finally found time to replace em! Comments, critiques welcomed. I dont have a LOT of detailed pictures like most of u put up, as the idea of takin pics popped in my head later and so I busted out the phone.

    The Punch


    The Power Series


    Seat Cushion and Side Cushions out


    More Panel Ripping


    One Speaker in



    Looks Purdy


    Trunk Shot


    Out You Go


    that's all for now guys, sorry for some of the bad qualities. Everything is dynamated properly, im gonna do the deck from underneath when I'm doing the trunk design, some pics soon to come for that

  8. dont get projectors with hids. and get a better pic with your friends car. with your lights shining on sand and his lights shining on grass, of course yours are going to look brighter. they dont look bad though.

    could you explain a lil bit more about the projectors if u don't mind. And yes i will get better pictures, these were last minute snaps before coming home. I would get a better camera and spend time to take proper pics. Ill get new ones in a bit

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