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Posts posted by Bossmaan

  1. though I'm no fan of jackhammer, evidently neither are most of you. But if given one of these free, I'm sure most of us wouldn't turn down the offer and gladly accept it. Hell if i was given one, I'd take it; why not? its free. Sure it'd be nice to get it installed with free amps and batteries too, Otherwise i won't have sufficient funds to power one :( Sure selling it to someone is a possibility, but a potential buyer will be close to non-existent. Freebies are the monies! take em all

  2. i read about it at work, just sad..innocent people going about thier today only to encounter a fucktard. It just angers me, because even here in toronto, there's been cases like that, as well rape cases. Dumbasses like these should just put a bullet in thier head before walking out the door and call it end there. Families get ruined, and for what? Cause some fuckin cunt bag decided to be a twat? FUCK THAT (no irony there..just simply FUCK THAT)

    /rant >:(

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