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Kush Killer

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Posts posted by Kush Killer

  1. ok so im having sum issue with this amp... whats goin on is, when shut my vehicle off, say to run in the gas station to grab a wrap. i come back out start my vehicle up and i get a loud POP noise thru my mids.. i KNOW this cant be good for em (being replaced this weekend anyways) so what ive determined is happening is the amp is taking its time shutting down.... it takes about 3-4 mins before the amp will acutally turn off even tho the vehicle and headunit are both off.. any way i could wiring in a relay or ??? sumn! to aleviate this problem?

  2. yeah i have a set of 5.25 and 6.5 in my doors infinty kapps right now, but i think they sound like shit.. im hoping these will be a somewhat better.. contiplating if i should do 2 sets components liek i have now or replace opne set with acutal midbass woofers? or even contiplated usinga set of coaxils

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