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Ricky A.

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Posts posted by Ricky A.

  1. Ahh I see. So I couldn't use the distribution block for the RCA cable? And yes, I have each driver in their own enclosure. Takes longer and doesn't look as good but sounds fantastic. As of now all I would have to do is wire for another amp and build another enclosure for the other 12. Oh and what gauge wire would you recommend for the power and ground? I'm running 4 gauge at the moment.

    u should be fine with 4 gauge but bigger wire = more current so i swear by 0 gauge. but im not sure if those amps will accept 0 guage wire will they? i owned 1 a long time ago and dont quite remember. and 4 guage is alot cheaper haha.

  2. yeah i thiknk im gonan redo the port. lke leave the sub where its at and port in ton the side with a bigger port so it wont extend so far in the back of the box.. but heres some pics of the jamming into the seat issue. right now the port is 10x3.5 and 18 inches deep giving a 32 hz tune. and im thinking like 16x4 and like 10 or 12 inches deep. i havent done the calculations yet but that sounds close to what i need.




  3. i've never built a box, and to admit it i'm a total noob at the entire audio "game", i have no clue about box tuning or any of that stuff.... how well are the pre-made boxes made?

    well prefabs there usually built with a very generic air space and tuned wayy to high. custom building 1 to your subs needs will give you ALOT better results.. and if you dont feel comfoprtable doing the building. ask a local shop theyll build it for u.

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