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Posts posted by MACnonsence6

  1. i currently have a toshiba satillite laptop its a dual core 1.8 with 2g mem idk what speed the mem is i just reformated and reinstalled 7 home so i dont have cpu-z im pretty sure that was the name of the program but it tells the exact specs of the computer

    sence i dont know alot about overclocking i figured id do up a cheap build untill i figure things out better then save up.

    the thing im trying to do is build a gaming/media computer to play halo 2 maxed out as well as the new call of duty black ops smoothly

  2. so your saying this would be a better build for the price


    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220279 x 2

    then i would use my laptop hdd

    grand total shipped is 253

    sorry if me posting all this makes me look retarded i wana build my own computer but i dont know much about it i really want to learn but im just not sure how

  3. after going on ebay for a little longer i thought of a little bit better game plan seeing as i was pretty much buying that desktop for the processor

    so now i think this is gona be my game plan






    all for 275 im debating weather or not to just used my laptop 320g hdd instead to bring down the price.

    what do you all think i wana start with this then watercool then overclock

    still gotta get a gpu but for now i think that will do perfectly

  4. k the money i orignally was gona drop on an extreamly bass ass gaming computer i ended up getting another car with. so being that i still need a computer.

    so first off i have a few questions what is better a pentium d 3.0 and a core 2 duo 3.0

    im thinking about buying this desktop


    with this motherboard



    and 2 of these^

    now what im trying to do is build a cheap computer that i can use for gaming atleast for the games i play anyone plus i want to try overclocking and i think this would be a good build to start. basicly what im looking for is advice and can someone explain fsb to me i looked it up but im trying to make sure i understand it now with that mother board the fsb is 1333/1066MHz now are those numbers the highest it can go? from what i understand you raise your fsb and voltage to overclock your cpu. if im completly wrong someone please tell me im pretty much just buying that desktop for the cpu and drive and case i have another hdd ill be using with it

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