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Posts posted by MACnonsence6

  1. ok so after u put in the cd key and it starts installing it says this data error (cyclic redundancy check) it does that after a little over half way installed now i went to google and found this.


    now i did that and when i retart my computer like it tells me i need to it says everything is fine. so im pretty lost as to what i need to do.i used google this time so hopefully no one thinks i want something handed to me

  2. ya but even with a system restore that still leaves me bugging out wondering wtf even happend. is there anyway to find out if thats what actually happend to my other sn? i looked up about the signed on in 2 locations and read that that can happen becouse of aim some times not that anyones really on only happend once i would asume if someone was really on they woulda pressed the number to boot me

  3. well this is the reason why on one of my aim acounts that no one knows the password to the password was changed and i can no longer get onto the acount and i made it with fake stuff that i dont remember ie birthdays and such now for that acound idk cause i gave the password to my ex and i had pics of my new gf who is 18! so i kinda think she changed the pass cause she was pissed but she wont admit it and im kinda scetchy." had problems with police and internet before really do not wana get into that" well today i was on a differnt sn and it popped up that someone else was signed on as well now the ex was sitting next to me at the time and shes the only one that knew the password? so now im getting rather sketched out thinking maybe a similar thing is happening so if someone can please help me with out asking my life story that would be amazing thanks

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