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Posts posted by Kevin9d1

  1. Alright so I plan on buying a 15" Fi BL and I have the option of dual 1 ohm or dual 2 ohm

    and I'm not sure which one to pick, like if I were to pick a dual 1 ohm setup, what type of

    amp would I run with that? Same with the dual 2 ohm. Sorry for being complete noob

    but I'm still learning stuff and if anyone could give me a brief explanation I'd appreciate it.

    Oh and I guess I might as well ask what type of amp would you guys recommend, I'm looking to run

    it at about 1000-1200watts since I'm running stock electrical. Thanks for your time!

  2. Alright so I plan on buying my first system which will go in my 1996 honda accord. Now being that I am just about to graduate high school I'm not exactly rollin in the money yet so I'm going for a single sub setup most likely, and something where I can run stock alt and battery for now. I was thinking on getting a 15inch Kicker L7 which I found here AudioSavings.com 15 Kicker And as far as my amp/wire and everything else I would need I was hoping you guys could help me out because I'm still new to the car audio scene and learning about stuff. Any suggestions on maybe a different sub, and helping me pick out things I need would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to being a fellow bass enthusiast and future spl competitor when I can afford to :)

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