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Posts posted by gotFI?

  1. does anyone know the facts behind this shooting?

    it looks like the officer is WRONG really wrong but what happened?

    no one here has the facts. just thoughts, unless they were there. ive never drawn my firearm out to anyone unless they threatend me more then just there fists. the cop is feeling guilty. why else would you quit your job? cause of the death treats he now recieves! get real. i believe that the officer knew in his right mind that he was pulling his firearm and not his taser. hard to get those two mixed up. also believe that if there was a immediate deadly threat to him, the reaction time would have been so smooth and fast in pase. not the slow drawn and late shot like the video clip shows. its hard for any officer to be in a immediate deadly threat when a suspect is laying on his stomach handcuffed.

    IMO, even though the kid seems to be cooperating with authorities in the vid, had his hands up at times showing peace. even after being restrained in handcuffs. i believe that the cop was offended by the victim in some words he MIGHT have said to provoke the officer to pull his weapon and shoot off a round into his back. NOT FACTS, im thinking that the victim ran his mouth off to the officer and it got to him mentialy and got hot headed real quick causing him to make the worse mistake of his life. im not taking sides, because i wasnt there. i think the officer is in the wrong till more evidence surfaces. i hope justice will be served and my prayers go out to the victim's family. what has been shown on the news, he seemed like a good kid/father.

    for the record:

    im not or was never a peace officer. my stories come from a time when i was a officer for the san francisco housing authority.

  2. what hatchback if you dont mind me asking? im going from a highly tuned *43-45hz range* subs up port back to a 30-32hz subs up port up in a integra here soon, personally in a integra i think you will get more movement with subs up port up.

    just my .2 tho..since im still learning

    subs up, port up in a TEG pushes massive air.

    just take a look! :8)



  3. i bought a 175 amp alt to replace the stock 60 amp alt thats in my 1997 civic hatchback. same problem, kind of hard to get in there to install it by yourself. plus, i rather just drop it off to have it installed. i went to my local mechanic. IMO i wouldnt have a audio guy install a alt, thats just me.

    when i dropped off my civic at the shop, i had the 0 ga. cable already bolted to the alt so when i picked the car up, all i had to do is run the rest of the cable to the batt. or in your sitsuation, have the mechanic run the rest of the cable to the + of the batt if its too tight.

    my shop charged me $130. it was well worth the headache.

  4. yea I called Rockford Fosgate and they told me 350 so I dunno if I should find a private amp fixer or just send to them.

    wow, thats cheap!

    i know the flat rate repair for the T3K and T4K is $456. i would still give scott a call at ARC for a quote.

    much love too both reps, they do xellant work regardless.

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