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Posts posted by Freshman6969

  1. alright many of you know im not one to make stupid threads about random useless shit unless needed

    so, i scoped my amp a few weeks ago thanks to a really good guy, not sure how well i did but i know it wasent clipping

    my question is, how much will the subsonic filter effect clipping? i dident mess with it to much but i turned it "down" a bit and now it hits a hell of alot harder

    also how to you effectivly set the subsonic filter? does it have to do with your tuning + ft^2?

  2. Ok heres what happened. I was selling a itunes card on eBay for 45 bucks. someone bought it and then someone who didn't pay for it asked if they could have the code now. I sent them the code and they never replied. 6 days later the real buyer says that the he hasn't received anything and he wants the code or a refund. I sent him the code to see if it works but it probably wont. If it doesn't work im forced to refund him and take negative feedback. As for this guy who i sent the code to, is there anything i can do to report him or make him pay? A message on ebay would be nice. PLZ HELP :((

    nerp, your fucked, your fault or say that you did give it to him and he just said he never recived anything

  3. Feb 19 @ 7pm,i am throwing a party for rob.its an open invitation to anyone that wants to come and say so long and good luck.i have a hall secured,and will post up an address soon.it will be BYOB,working on a DJ,and taking volunteers to bring in food/dishes.i am asking to rsvp by Feb 11,just to give a number to the hall.

    The following day is my annual Damn its cold show.Entry is $20.It may be the last time to get in the lanes with the hammer.i have limited space at my home,but if you dont mind sleeping on the couches and floor,people are more then welcome to crash,just let me know ahead of time,again space is limited.i can also get hotel numbers for anyone interested in that path.

    Hope to see everyone there,lets show him how much his friendship is appreciated

    what happend to rob?!

  4. go to mobile solutions... the banner is up there^^^

    they have an oscope....

    you wil not fid one for 200 though and when your buying meters like tht you do not want to skimp out..... precision is key!

    the oscope they have is the most decent quality for the price

    thanks, ill take a look, i know nate or n8ball got his for under 200, its a velleman hps40 i think, and its pretty accurate as far as my knowlage

    ill go find it..

    thanks, quite curious to what your talking bout too

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