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Posts posted by Freshman6969

  1. I'm looking at getting one from a friend for dirt cheap, but the kicker is that when they sold the car they took out the screen but left the brain & harness in the car. And I'm curious if it's worth my time buying the screen and trying to either get the brain/harness from the guy who owns the car now or just buy a new brain/harness? And where would be a good place to buy a new brain and harness besides buying directly from Alpine?

    Thanks for any help guys.


    totaly doesnt make sense, said they let the brain and harness, but then said get the brain and harness, so it makes no sense to me

  2. it will help yes, have you done your big three upgrade? doing the big three is also a key component in helping your electrical system. if all your running in your system is what you have in sig. than the second battery and the big three is all you should need to help your voltage.

    thanks for the help, and sorry for the thread jack, but im not worried bout my system now its when my dc comes, running roughly 2k on a stock 130 amp alt is a lil sketchy to me, big 3 i havent done(nor would i know how to go about doing that with a stock alt), but i plan to either run 0g or 2g dunno yet depends on my money situation

  3. That is one of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to doing multiple batteries, in my opinion. One junk battery will shorten the lifespan of any other good batteries hooked up with it. just remember wiring two batteries in parallel will increase amperage, wiring them in series will increase voltage.

    so for example, if i had 2 batts wired in parallel it would take less strain off the alt thus stabling my voltage? or am i wrong?

  4. haha, dude, the 18" SSDs are going to be so much louder than those P3s. your going to be very happy.

    i have a sundown SAZ1500 for sale if your interested. much better amp than hifonics. pm me if you want to know more about it or if you need any help with your future build.

    damnit skittles dont go and sell my future amp ! :D jk but welcome man, just make sure you read the rules for the f/s section if your gunna try and sell some stuff, but if you need any help were all here :D

  5. alright, since soon ill be joining the bandwagon (fuckers finally got me) im gunna need some money for an amp, so heres what i got, i prefer everything to go together on to the pics!, some of them suck so sorry for that

    as a note, this sounded GREAT in my jeep

    WILL TRADE FOR 2k-3k amp thats 1ohm stable

    ill go 200$ for all+ shipping


    Amp 110$ if sold sepretly


    the grate in the middle is a lil bent in, 10/10 mechanically, 7/10 cosmetically, wear and tear on the feet, scraches along the face and bottom, mechanically its like its brand new

    Subs 40$ each


    10/10 mechanically, 8/10 cosmetically (normal usage and install)

    some randoms

    gotta rep smd right? :D


    sorry this picture is shit but you get the jist




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