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Posts posted by Ku-sama

  1. if you are doing a complete reinstall of Windows XP, what you need to do is go into your BIOS and make it so your first boot is from the CD, then save and exit. hit any key to boot the CD when prompted and you'll have to hit F8 to agree to the terms, then select the harddrive you want to wipe, then hit D, then Enter, then L to format the drive, it will automatically install XP for you, then while it's installing, it will ask you for the CD key, the network options and timezone settings. if you have a SP2 disk, then it will ask you about automatic updates.

  2. my computer wont even recognize 4 gigs of ram.......most other peoples wont either. I think you need 64 bit before you can even start thinking about that.....even then theres more too it then i can even explain. I think i might drop 3 gigs in because rumor has it i might be able to use 2.5 of it :D

    should be limited to 3GB for 32-bit...

    but who gets Vista and doesn't get 64-bit?

    I just figured you had 64...

    and with Vista using near 1 GB of RAM by it's self leaving 1GB for games isn't enough. true, you may barely need 3 GB, but it's an odd number that playes with your timing, making it impossible to run T2

  3. Well fixed the sealed box from rattling just some screws, but it still leaks air I don't care it will get tossed.









    Just so you know I got this sub for a school project. I am building a box for it most likely a t-line unless anyone else has a design in mind. Its for a extra credit in my Tech Class.

    After I build a good box clean up the sub and test in my car I might keep it or I will sell it.


    8th order BP

  4. 2 gigs of ram

    1000w power supply

    d/8800gtx SLI

    2 hardrives, my "gaming" HD is a 10k rpm raptor....

    it only lags if i go to "very high" on shaders or higher then "medium" on shadows.

    everything else is set to very high and it runs fine...i just want the medium up to at least "high".

    we'll see, so far lots of people with gaming machines like mine bitchin about it.....im not the only one.

    upgrade to 4GB DDR-1066, should smooth some things out. wait for the first patch to be released, it should clear some things up.
  5. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eric B @ Nov 14 2007, 10:17 AM) 193717[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Well judging by the box you have now, isnt it above the window line? If I remember right wouldnt you have to compete against walled off setups? I say jus wall it off and have a nice lil amp rack in the back. :D

    that was my second plan but it would be 4 15 walled on a 1 maxximus + a goliath but I ain't that rich lol

    or do 2 18 walled on a maxximus but would need to find a sub that would do 5,000rms lol

    what about those Brutus subs or whatever that can do like..... 6000W RMS or whatever?

  6. i just pm u my number hiy me up anytime

    I'll give you a call tomorrow.

    i wouldnt do if for free bro, charge atleast $30 for the trouble of doing it

    I need to start somewhere.

    cant tell if this is an act of kindness or youre just really bored

    both. I know some people wouldn't mind a good quality box for the same if not less then a prefab.

    I don't have a workshop, but I'm hoping with the side options I might be able to scrap something together such as routers and clamps and a table saw eventually.

  7. I'm re offering really cheap boxes.

    You pay for me to buy the supplies and shipping, I build the box for FREE.

    Keep in mind, these are sealed, L ported, or PVC ported. I can't glass worth crap and I can't design super complex boxes.

    Free labor boxes include:

    Countersunk screws

    Options that cost more are:


    45's in the port/corners

    Resined Inside

    Internal Bracing

    Flush Mounted Subs

    PVC Ports

    Refs I have are on CAF:

    Sold to: BAD_MAYHEM, Grinder1989

    Bought from: KrisFnBZ, 95BlackGA, nismos14

    Traded with: Fargof

    ent3rdadragon bought a box off of me.

    Let me know.

    my most recent work (I used screws that were too big, but I found my sweetspot in size now, so no more split wood:





    and it beating the crap out of my truck:

  8. Hi all this is my first post so all i gotta say is this build is BAD ASS lol ive been watching it for abot 2 months and its off the hook. Steve you got some mad skillz cant wait to see it finished...also greetings from Puerto Rico...your international fans keep growing lol :D

    jeeze Steve. I thought we would get new members from the hoopty, you have new COUNTRIES joining because of it.

    mad props.

    (BTW, welcome to the forums)

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