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Posts posted by Ku-sama

  1. i got one for the kids last week....its pretty cool. I dont know about the weeble wobble guys on the sports game, i think thats retarded they could have done something a little better on that......but its still damn fun. I like bowling and home run derby. I even had Pops over (from Florida) and before you know it my living room was transformed into a bowling alley :D

    Ok so now i have fulfilled my promise to myself....all this bitchen over what console is better and i always said fuck that ill get all of them......well i got em all now! 360 rules though, ive had ps3 for almost a year and there is less then 1/2 hour play time on it. I dont hate it, its that the 360 is just so great i have no reason to put it down, in fact i have 2 360's now :D

    this Christmas is supposed to bring plenty of games out for PS3, so you might want to start wiping the dust off of it.

  2. exactly what he said...you dont have to use detailing spray either. When we do it we just use some soap and water. Its a great product and takes everything off the paint. If you wanna test it out take a plastic sandwhich bag and put it over your hand and run it over the car. then use the clay bar and do it again. The clay bar takes everything off so make sure you wax afterwards.

    I don't get the concept of the bag?

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