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Posts posted by lilsubs

  1. couldn't find any resources on it huh?

    did you try that very obscure

    very rarely used

    hard to use

    rarely seen

    noob proof


    here. i googled it for you

    http://www.lascointl...p/?cat=8&shop=1 that's just one of the many many




    i found in 5 seconds.

    yeah i posted above i had forgoten about the laminated windows and will look into them. i didnt say i couldnt find them. i havent had much time to search .

  2. yeah i fugure it was pretty damn thick. im going to have a super sensitive alarm installed as well as shave the doors. wasnt really reffering to straight bulletproof although i did word it like that lol. My bad. Buy theives around here see what they want get the tools and hit it quick and go reguardless of alarm or not. they dont waste time with locks etc. ill look into the film i forgot they made that. i hadnt thought about weight neither. i dont have a problem with them tryng to take the whole truck i will be installing a gps also. and a quick release steering wheel.

    Thanks for the input Guys!

  3. Has anyone used bulletproof glass in their ride? i have a future build in mind but am stuck between a rock and a hard place. i will be doing a sick interior on a slammed 90 silverado extt. cab and the bacjk seats will be replaced with 2 18" fully loaded btls. well i dont want to hide all my work in it by tinting the windows but also dont want a theive being able to just bust a window out and get my stuff. anybody tried clear bulletproof glass as a replacement? i cant find any resources :( any help will be greatly appreciated guys

  4. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/5664-official-fi-subwoofer-specifications-pictures-included/

    hope this helps a little

    well it does say 2.8-4. i personally would go with around 3.5 but its up to you. whichever is good for your jeep. if you cant fit a 4cube then move down but stay at 2.8 or larger and youl be alright i recon. but i dont know much about this shit so i wouldnt take my word and jump for it. good luck

  5. you basicly said.. "hi i want box.. and i also want sub"

    haha that was funny. anyways, i heard bandpass wasnt that great for spl.(but i have never dealt with bandpass so i could be wrong.. just seems like it would suck for it) if thats what your goin for?? idk. ive only seen like 2 builds with bandpass boxes. im sure thres more but it all depends what your lookin for. we need more detail man.. a LOT

  6. i love the color steve, but one question.. you will be change the color of the calipers???

    keep the good work

    congrats from Panamá

    he made a previous post saying he wasnt painting them no matter what color the truck ende up being but i think if the salipers are the Meade Cherry also it would be just that much better lookin

  7. ive actually read that you can dip them in muriatic acid... but id have to do a little research before im ready to work with that stuff...

    yeah... at this point im using that as a last resort... im not thrilled about trying to sand all that chrome off..lol

    i also thought about that... but i have a feeling that the wire is a stronger metal than the alloy wheels... meaning it would most likely hurt the rim... i may end up trying it though... and thanks for the compliment!... i just couldnt pass it up for a hundred dollar bill

    well i bought some easyoff oven cleaner... and im trying it in a small spot on the back to see if it will work

    if anything just hit a spot on the back of the rim like one of the spokes or the inner rim where the spots still are. do it light so you ont dive into a nice burred up rim lol.

    Good luck. and i dont know about that easy off. i used to use it to take anodizing off of rc car parts and my clutch hanle on my klx. i aint sure if itll work or metal on metal. but like i said good luck man

  8. None its fresh paint if you read

    Edit I think Steve should get a set of tires like this lol would be sweet

    naw he dont (im almost positive he dont) dawg that truck besides the noise torture. plus all that weight im perty sure the hoe wont spin the tires like that. i dont think anyone sees steve pullin donuts in the near future or taking up drifting. i DID try to get my mom to put them on her gran prix though lol i love playin and racin the ricecakes around town lol

  9. hey. im Devin. aint new to car audio.. just huge ass systems lol. love bone rattling bass and higs thatll make the fat lady stop singin!!!

    i only own 2 12" memphis m3's atm with a 1000 watt memphis amp and cap. nothin special at al. my gf has a 08 cobalt on 18s with 2 12' ground poundin every day also lol.. oh and can anyone tell me why folks think the sony subs at walmart are worth getting and makin a full system out of them? its rediculous at the ppl here that praise an XPlod like no other. when someone has 1 xplod's people round here get happier than michael jackson at a playground i tell you what. anyways lol. im Devin. found the site though watching Steve on Youtube.

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