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Posts posted by basslover530

  1. Hi I'm trying to devise a plan for my first sub system and I've decided to roll with a single AudioQue HDC3 15 with a AQ2200D amp. Now what I'm not sure about is what kind of box I should get because I don't really have the skills or desire to build one I was going to buy one. If you might be able to advise on what type of box to get and/or where to get it, it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  2. Not a dumbass, but with 2.5 k $ and ur own handscraft u can do a good beginner system, or do u want to competite on SPL-competitions(SPL=soundpressurelevle), or its only to

    have big bass in car and shitsound out of the originalspeakers, or did u want a good sq (soundqality-system).

    Tell us what u want and what is in ur car now. And than everything easy

    Nah man I'm just a high school kid that wants a good system that can bump hard. because I really enjoy bass. I thought 2-15s was a good idea but maybe I should go with 12s? I'm just lookin for a decent system and nothing fancy by any means.

  3. Close LOL, I was gonna say about a grand a piece for the subs, probably between 1500-2000 on the amp, 2 H.O. Alts thats another 1K, and 3or4 D3100, which is about 1200-1500, oh cant forget the wiring 400 for 0/1 guage(running 2 runs or power and ground of course), Misc box materials/speaker wire, another 150. Then after you need mids and highs to keep up with that kind of bass...........

    So you see having a system that big can add up really really fast.

    Like whats the best sub if we're talking bang for your buck.

  4. Authorized AA dealership around your area. Or I THINK you can e-mail Meade about it, and he can send them to you (don't quote me on that though).

    About the DAT 8.1, I thought only a few were made? Gonna have hell of a time finding them, and when you do, they are going to cost A LOT

    EDIT - I see Meade browsing this topic, maybe he can clear that up.

    Well as far as price I'm not looking to spend a shit ton of money, im looking for something on the cheaper side that will work well.

    and are the SMD subs really expensive?

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