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Posts posted by Gq85

  1. You don't need a cable ran from your 360 to your computer although you could also do it that way. But you should be able to connect wirelessly. What OS are you running though???

    I would also verify that both your computer and 360 are connected on the same network. I live by an apartment and occasionally I connect to their router since they don't have any security. Just make sure both are in same network.

  2. Are you sure it's 32 12's?

    I thought it was 32 10's.....?

    Either way good lordy daaaatttsalootttttasubs.

    Yep, they are 12's. If you click on More Info in the Youtube description you could see it states 12's. Was this vehicle intended for spl???

    Edit: Not to mention if you look at the video and got a good eye. Those look like 12's.

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