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Posts posted by Rose-Villian

  1. Too bad they are cell phone pics lol. JK


    Damn never realized how small Your port really is untill I seen This pic lol I've seen that box a million times in person I new it was small but Damn lol

    And my Delco took a shit on my today, and don't feel like going out and buyiea new battery so looks like its time to cht out the battery tray to fit my HC2400 under there might aswell do ut now since it was gonna be done when I installed all my alts and batts :)

  2. This 3d shit Is annoying... I hate It... it doesn't.look good enough to actually enjoy it... its.not.completely crystal clear... our movie theater here just got a huge he's theater didicated to 3d... its very nice reclinable seats crazy ass suround sound like tripple a regular theater... jumbo ass screen... haven't.seen any 3d's in that one yet but supposedly they dropped a million on the projector alone.... but Ide like to give.it a.shot... usually I wont even see any 3d movie..... still haven't seen the new Jackass due to it being 3d... I can't wait for the transformers to hit....

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