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Posts posted by RE XXXV3

  1. The haters most likely dont see all of what steve has contributed - a plethora of knowledge and cool toys to name a few, they just saw the hoe and ask why it isnt walled and wonder how someone can be so famous when theres others like him who arent as well known (but really are), forming either jealousy and/or the wrong opinion that he doesnt deserve it. A few years ago when i heard he was doing big things with AA i and a lot of others, not haters, were like OK who is gilligan and what does he do? We just wanted to know "whys everyone talking about meade?", but he has proved his skills from the beginning and IMO this is still just the beginning. It doesnt matter what people say but when it comes to the forums it always works to be 100% nice when you dont want to be, not for others but for yourself, dont invest in anger or thats exactly what youll end up. This is the net tho, not real life. The net reminds me of the internet from grand theft auto. More famous, more bullshit. Look at the beebs. Dont actually look at the beebs ;-). Bizzare (D12) has a song called i wanna kill justin bieber. They made a video for it :-/. Do what the other celebs do, try to ignore it. Dramalamaudio isnt good but it isnt going to stop you.

  2. I was in 8th grade. A small school with like 1 TV, nearly all students in grades 6-7-8 were shuffled into 1 room to watch the news. I didn't recognize the severity, but when the second plane hit everyone knew something was wrong. When people started jumping from windows they sent us back to our classes. All of the teachers were preparing for safety. They sent us home early, and I remember the bus driver telling me that "the world today is far different from yesterday". Years later, I watched something on TV that measured the electromagnetics all over the world on 9/11, and it was something like only on that day and for awhile after the readings were spiking all out of control, something about the spiritual/emotional reaction, scientific proof.

  3. I went to a shop called Gold Star and they didn't have anyone that could make me a box. I asked about a Kicker 2500.1 and they said $5000. I told them I can get one on Ebay for $400 and he said yeah but that has no warranty. Actually they do have warranties, 2 years even, and besides I could buy 12 off ebay before I hit $5000. After telling them it was an RE XXX/1600W 12" the installer of maybe 8 years tried telling me the on-sale either 400w each JL or Pioneer 10's in a pre-fab box for $400-600 would be better, pfft. I struggled to carry the 80lbs 12" in and I layed it on the counter, they obviously have never seen a heavy duty sub before, they were like IT'S A BEAST! It makes me wonder how they have all these oldschool sound-off #1 trophies displayed.

  4. Out of that list the 2 DD 10's seem like they'd be the loudest (700W) just because they have better efficiency (83 vs 84 vs 85) but only if you can give them the space they need, if not use DD 8's.

    If you aren't worried about SQ as much as output and can use 1.5-2k, get a fully loaded Fi BTL 12D2 and put it in 2.5 cubes @ 35hz. Use a Q or Icon or whatever if 1000W/cheaper route. If it's a single cab with a full length seat see if you can cut out room for the magnet to stick through the middle and invert it. Make sure you can actually fit 2.5 cubes with a port long enough for 35hz. If there is a spacer under the seat try taking it out and sit the seat on a thin box (like 4-5" tall) and invert the sub having it stick through the middle, would look sweet. I've never seen it done.

  5. I apologize. I didn't mean to offend anyone and I'm sorry if I did. I used it as a description and anytime I say seemingly racial slander I attach no racist feelings to it. For me to even point out his skin color is a little racist but there is no way to describe a high-looking black guy rocking an afro that's letting his mom die in a non-positive way in one word. I'm such a cracka SOB.

    1. naggra

    a black person obsessed with putting their nut sack on everything, including desk, books and white people faces.

    Damnit! that naggra put his sack in my cereal again!

    Not that this counts as this is an unofficial definition but maybe he does put his nutsack on everything and that has no ties to racism.

  6. It implies that you can sk my ck. How can I possibly get in trouble for modifying a word when it is only the proper spelling of a word itself that implies "racial infliction"? "Nigga" is used as a friendly greeting between blacks, and I didn't even use it, I'm not a racist. Hate, the main problem of racism (besides southerners), was not present because HE IS A DUMBASS, just stating the obvious there. Naggra can now be used as a description in favor of black, brown, colored, brutha, and especially if that guy is that much of a DUMBASS.

    "So it's our trips to Burger King that makes other countries governments fail to the point of the populations starvation? Hardly."

    Are you saying we shouldn't get rid of all Burger Kings in favor of solving world hunger by giving all the profit away or atleast take a dedicated action towards keeping our thinking in-line with the solution?

    "atleast she has a goal"

    If you knew of her goal and say "atleast she did it", than you're supporting it more than you aren't.

    You, sir, are the racist because you automatically assume I used it in the context of hate. Doing that makes you racist. If you hear a black guy say to another black guy "what up nigga", do you wet your panties and call him a racist?

  7. LOL! Could you please define "naggra"? I'm not even a racist, it's your interpretation of the word that includes hate, not me. Vulgar retardedness? I'm not the one posting pictures of disgusting fatties in bikinis now am I?

    Ban him. Ban him now. One for being dumb enough to not understand that even though it's not her fault there are starving people in the world, this is exactly the kind of action that keeps it this way. The other for being racist, and another for supporting her 1000lbs goal instead of disagreeing completely.

  8. LMAO! I've never paid for health care. How does Canada not "have it right"? We pay nothing and are fully covered. We have some of the best doctors, surgeons, hottest nurses, and diognosticians on earth. Private health care systems are not in the best interest of all the people and if you say you don't want to pay for someone else's problems - wait until you have one, you'll be eating your god damned foot. Not giving a shit about someone elses health is unhuman, let alone un-American. Your entire country could ALL afford free health care. What happends if you're living check by check and suddenly have no checks ever again yet still have to work to pay off a huge medical bill? ONE VISIT = $4800 poo! Imagine being in a coma. Christ, death is expensive, it ought to be completely free, along with ALL education.

  9. That is suicide and it's illegal. Someone needs to take lawfull action and put her in a psych ward and have her daughter taken away. If Guinness has any part in it they should be charged with either reckless endangerment, manslaughter, 3rd degree murder, etc, just for inspiring her. This is completely an excuse for her to continue her addiction. What an example she's setting for her daughter - does she even realise that she won't be around to see her grow up? She'll be the worlds fattest mom for a year or two MAX! The government should take her website down because it's like selling cocaine online. This is no longer food, it's purely addiction and it's killing her, not even slowly. It just figures it's New Jersey. That dumbass naggra, I think he's sticking around to claim on her will. What kind of person, let alone a skinny black guy with an afro, would fk that and in turn say she's "beautiful"? If that's her son - he is killing his mother, the one person that is closest to him, the one person that is closest to her. Honestly that's so fked up. She's 42 years old, her heart, kidneys, liver, and colon, cannot handle that amount of fat intake - a heart attack or stroke is in her midst, her organs are stretching to the point of bleeding. One of her daily calorie intake options is 75 Mcdonalds hamburgers. If I eat a tripple burger meal I can't eat for 20 hours and I'm overweight at 5'9 230lbs (I went from 270lbs to 170lbs in six months, right after I graduated highschool - go me - don't stop working or you'll gain it right back in another six months). A complete lack of self-esteem, probably from a troubled past, has caused this. Nobody wakes up one day deciding to do the one thing that nobody in their sane mind would do. This woman should be declared legally insane.

  10. I want either a .22, 9mm, .40, or .45, but I'm just a recreational shooter and don't know what to buy. The .22's I was looking at seem to jam a lot. I was considering the Sig 226 and Walther, I never liked the Ruger look. In Canada the maximum number of rounds allowed in a magazine is 10, which is kind of dumb because what if I just buy two pistols and duel wield? How is that cautionary when I can own any amount of a restricted pistol? I don't have my licence yet, my parents just got theirs and I want to hit up the range. My favourite so far is the Glock compact in 9mm, where the pinky finger rests on the edge of the magazine.

  11. My name is Steve, I'm 22, I have strong psychic abilities, and I'm Canadian. In 2006 I got my first car - an 00 Pontiac Sunfire GT 2dr. After a couple months I bought an 05 XXX 12 in 2.2 cubes, a 1500W amp, and a $1000 7" flip-out touch-screen deck. It was pretty sweet but it was stolen and torched down the road in August 2007. Now I have a stock and sucky 01 Alero 4dr V6. My plan is to put 8 sealed SSA Dcon 12's on the back seat in 1.25 cubes each, on 2400w, but I can't find an alternator past 270 amps. I'm also the 30000th user.

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