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Posts posted by CheezyMane13

  1. Really, homedepot? I was on their website for like 30 minute yesterday looking for resin and fiber glass matting. The only stuff that was coming up was fiberglass insulation for homes. I'll check out O'Reilys, Ace Hardware, and Homedepot today when I get off work. The cheap clamps I brought from Harbor Freights broke on me last night so all of my sides that I was trying to get a good bond with didn't because of the clamps or lack of clamps. Thanks for the help guys.

    IT was located with the paint section ,with the patching and stuff like that

  2. I believe that some days your car runs better then others, I have noticed that temperature does effect it some, but I usually charge at 14.4v, up to 14.8v with stock electrical. And some day's that it will be the same temperature It will struggle to get above 14.0v. So it may be due to temperature, but also take in to account your amp and speaker temperatures, and humidity in the air. I have hear instances where high humidity will do something to electrical systems

  3. Cash the check. Your boss should put workmen comp. He didn't which is illegal so all of you guys saying karma. Yeah its karma for the boss who tried to save money. + its in your name so its fair game for you


    Agreed I actually did this when I burned myself with fryer grease, They wanted to fire me later down the road, I said FU what about when i burned me and you paid me off, kept the job till i quit a few weeks later

  4. well idk but i think i want it tuned low like 35 to 32 hertz cause im building this for a db race this christmas but i dont think ill be done with it but ya i want 18s but i dont think i can afford it at all so im thinking 15s but idk how many i have 2 12s right now that ive won 7 competitions with so far hit 145.3 db legal last week i just want more

    Well If you can afford it just get another amp and two more 12s. oR sell all adn get the 2 18"s I mean if you can afford 3 15"s I'm prettysure that will cover the cost of 2 18"s, with a little leftover.

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