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Posts posted by Mureta

  1. once again i agree with Tek

    there are many people who make decisions that arent deemed "important" enough for the president.

    and as for the people starting groups and being told not to because they wont be paid... thats just sad on two parts.

    1. the government people who said we dont want your help because we cant pay you.

    2. the people who were not willing to help because they were not getting paid.

    since when does a good deed have to be paid?

    almost forgot - Jville diesel is nothing more than a band-aid. diesel is still made from petroleum. we need NEW power sources

    I dont think you understand.

    1. the government does have the money to pay for cleanup they just don't want to use anyone but "Union workers". (This helps with the presidents constituency.)

    2. they were told they COULDN'T help because they weren't "Union". Up until a few weeks ago groups were not "allowed" to volunteer to help with the clean up. The president and his staff wanted "Union" workers there only working on the cleanup.

    And if you believe that there is such a thing as a item not "Important" enough for the president to hear about then you are sadly mistaken by the gangster politics that are currently going on in the whitehouse... George Soros must know about every decision being made which means Barry Sotero must know to tell him whats going on.

  2. haha i can agree with that

    how come the person that made the video decided to attack Obama instead of gathering together a bunch of volunteers to aid the effort of cleaning up the spill?

    It is not Obama's fault, the fault lies on a bunch of shoulders. That is the cool thing about America, we are all in this together (or at least we should be). No one person can be held responsible for anything, thats how our Gov was created to be. It seems as if people are forgetting they have power to do things

    Just so you know, there were a couple of people down in south texas starting a organization of clean up crews for the oil spill, given that the government was giving contracts out to groups that were going to help. well they couldn't get a contract because they weren't part of any union and were told not to go help clean up the oil because they weren't part of a union.

    For the a while there even the governor of florida was being told to not help in the cleanup and not to send people there to clean up because the federal government was not going to pay them if they were not using Union workers..

    How's that for action...

  3. <object width="400" height="227"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=12933322&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=12933322&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="227"></embed></object><p><a href="

    Spill Timeline</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user3849600">RightChange</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    I hope i can post this correctly.

    bah i can't get it to post correctly here is a link to it.

  4. ok thanks for all the suggestions. I ran the subs free air and they have no audible sound that i was hearing before i took them out of the box. I pulled all of the polyfill from in the box to check the seams and there is a huge crack going from one corner of the box to the opposite corner of the box that i couldn't see through the box carpet and polyfill..

    So.. looks like i'm going to be making a new box over the easter holidays. Any suggestions for 2 10w3v3's? I bought the current box for an old set of Rockford punch 10's i had in (oops) 1999... So yes this box did last me from 1999 till now..

    It's been through Rockford, Kicker and JL audio.

    I like listening to all kinds of music so a good well rounded box would be great, any suggestions? Should i make it larger than the 1 cubic foot for each driver it was?

  5. I have 2 JL Audio 10w3v3's in a sealed 1cube per driver box. The box has been used many times for at least 4 different sets of woofers. It does have about 1/3 polyfill in each chamber as well.

    I have a Old Rockford 500.2 running them both each channel to its own sub. Off the sub output from a pioneer 7200bt. and all of the base controls are at 0 with the Loudness button off. and the high pass filter at 150hz.

    well, my question is this. when playing the woofers at low volume and the speakers facing the front of the cab i can hear an audible air rush type sound. Almost as if there is air coming from the side of the box but when i place a piece of paper near the box to find the air leak if there is one i can find it should push the paper away right?

    Ok at high volumes i hear a sound that sounds like foil being crumpled and un crumpled but only at higher frequencys. When the low bass hits it sounds just fine.

    Are my speakers bad? Or have i cracked the box some? If i turn the woofers and the box away from the front of the cab and face them to the rear it sounds fine and the pressure in the cab is almost at pain levels before the distortion is able to be heard. I just bought these subs about 3 weeks ago and i am not gentle with them but i wasn't with the 10w0's i had in there last and those lasted 4 years before i ripped the surrounds off.

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