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Posts posted by rboudreaux77

  1. if it was my truck.........

    Id do a single 10 on the driver side, then do the port across the center hump firing towards the pass side.

    P.S. dont expect much from under this seat.

    and FG bottom is a must.

    sub pass side port drivers side wouldnt be louder? i know with trunks the port on driver side is louder

    louder on the meter prob.

    but this thing wont be loud enough to care about the meter.

    So Id rather have it louder to me sitting in the driver seat.

    yeah im with ya on that one

  2. i traded in my impala for a new 2011 silverado ext cab. i was looking into the high performance probox for this truck but what custom setup can i fit under the backseat? ported or sealed whatever. im just upgrading the door speakers and amping them up and i just want the bass to be as loud as i can get it for what it will be. i just want a clean setup that pounds and sounds good. the floor is crazy with all kinds of humps and totally different than my 06 silverado was so im kinda stumped.

  3. Running my 15" XL off an AQ2200 @ 1ohm in around 4cuft in my impala now and I love it. Had my JL1000/1 on it I did a 140db never got to meter it on my AQ2200 yet but I can't wait to see what I've gained because its a notable amount louder. I don't have a volt meter of any kind so I don't know what my voltage sits at or drops to if any. I got stock everything and a red top in the trunk. Im satisfied with it for a daily. My S10 is gonna be my pride and joy!

  4. I sent one too :drinks:

    Yeah I got it. I was telling cj in his pm im just excited about the build and was just wondering what my price goal was for what I want. So I don't know if you will still have that amp by time im ready to start buying stuff. Gotta get the truck back running again then the 4ch amp is one of the first things on my list along with my mids and highs so I can have music when I ride

  5. depending on the size of ur amps & the depth of ur box, id rather put the amps on top of the box so they can stay cool...

    They wont vibrate to much and mess up the amps being on the box? I heard this before thats why I was trying not to put them on top. I did think of it though for cooling. Maybe I can make some kind of floating rack over the box

    ^that. just make some mounting feet & lift em up a couple inches...

    are u gunna double baffle?

    I want to do a double baffle but im not sure yet. Ill see when I get there

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