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Posts posted by milly

  1. X2 for the KLX110

    I mobbed that shit at glamis!! for such a small bike it was hauling ass 2nd gear in the sand NO paddle tire!! it would just steer like a boat haha

    defiantly 4stroker mini FTMFW


    KLX110's are so fun i have the white kawasaki one, i am wanting to put a big boar kit on it to make it 142 cc or something or 138 idk haha but they are so fun, specially wheelies!

  2. i run a 2200d a piece to my hdc3's. if you're running 2, either get 2 2200d's or a new 3400 (it pushes well over 4kwrms)

    Alright well do you think just 1 2200d would do for now? I don't have to much money to spend because the subs itself are a bunch!! :o

    Also i just noticed theres 2 different hdc3's coper coil and aluminum coil...whats the difference? sorry haha im a noob at car audio!!

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