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Everything posted by DRAMAQUEEN

  1. man, good luck is not w me.. in HS i tore my acl in one knee and my mcl in the other .. And this added to it.. man i feel like joe from family guy.. Im only 28 and cant do anything anymore .. No running , blading etc. I used to ride cross country mtn bike races and downhills but now its all gone .. i feel like a damn cripple .. And as far as the nail in the hand IMO it was not my fault.. I was a carpenter for 12 years and was pulling a string ( dry ) lne on a house and the 3 1/2 inch 16 penny nail came out of the stud ( from above me ) and shot right into my hand... For those that know carpentry , this is a fluke accident that ( to my luck ) didnt end up in my head, eye , etc .. But what u try to do is to pull the dry line tight to get a good tight STRAIGHT measurement .. This one just backfires on me when i pulled to tight on a rotting stud
  2. i posted this in the random pic thread , and it reminded me how often i feel pain in the hand... Happened almost 1 1/2 yrs ago but i still have a stiffness in my hand .. Even after 3 months of therapy and especially in extreme cold/heat.. Will the tendon and nerve damage ever heal??
  3. i know this... i have a serious alcohol problem, especially when i talk to her and she fucks w my emotions.. everytime this happens i get wasted beyound belief
  4. im tryin... it seems the booze i consume dealing w her ass has limited my bar options ...
  5. lol i got a sack, but i dont know whats left after her... Like i said before .. she has a great outgoing personality , but when she feels she might get screwed or played or whatever .. She fights back ... id post a pic for opinions but i know what happens when ya post pics on the net... been there done that
  6. ive already contacted at&t n they did a " courtesy " call to her to make sure the phone wasnt lost or stolen and she answered and gave them a bs story about how she thought she had net access
  7. she not the kind of chicks who would take kindly to that , not being one of the girls who like s the dick head guys or even at minimum the guys who " tell it like it is " .. She wants 150 % respect NOMATTER how she treats u , she wants attn from me even when im at work , but will bitch if i call to much , she wants to be spoiled and treated like a princess.. This is her exact quote from her voicemail on her phone... " Hey youve reached princess danielle , im currently getting a rubdown in my sweet, by a small mexican man, leave a message and ill call u when i want " ... The thing i always tell her is this Dont brag about yourself or think ur above everyone else ... Her response... " Y not ? im the shit " ... Yea shes hot.. but she knows it all to well thats her downfall... Well not really cuz she can get attn pretty quick from everyone ..
  8. thanks man.. its just tough to let IMO the NEAR perfect woman go... Just a few issues she has ... One of them i believe is bi polar
  9. x2 man.. im pissed about 400 ... mine Seems pretty petty compared to that
  10. not even worth it.. if it was as much as the poster above me .. Then that would be something to look into... Shed probably wink , cry and manipulate like cute chicks do and win anyways
  11. Here s the thing.. Yes i love her more than anything.. But theres also a jealous factor there for me to... Ive had pretty good luck w girlfriends especially in the looks dept.. And ive never had a gf that got hit on so much in my life.. Even if im with her at the bar she always gets asked to dance / have drink s bought for her etc.. And usually were hand n hand .. Shes very outgoing and is a bartender who worked at coyote ugly , so shes flirty , gets alot of attn. and has a great personality ( when she s not trying to fuck ya ) .. She s had I guess u could say sugar daddies ( most regulars from the bar that would give her there credit card to do whatever ( go shopping , hair done ,whatever ) Shes not a hoe at all, very honest and faithful.. But i think a big part of y im a lil jealous is that she is so damn good looking , outgoing , and fun to be around, while im very laid back , like to chill and kinda quiet
  12. yea i hear what you guys are saying... There s just something about this one that makes me weak.. i know what it is too, but no pu$$y is worth this.. the verbal harassment alone she gives is enough to make any guy wanna leave, but i guess its th " wonder tang " that keeps me going back.. LOL sounds shallow but theres alot more , i mean when its good its WONDERFUL but, if she feels unsure about something she wont tell me ( like she did here ) she ll fuk me where it really hurts ( at this point , my pocketbook )
  13. x2 ... but i had to get a family plan off my moms acct cuz i destroyed my credit when i lost my job last year, and am still trying to dig myself out ( and this kind of shit doesnt help ) So me and her both got shared lines off my mom.. so no matter what i have to pay it so my mom s credit wont get screwed ... This isnt the first time she fucked me.. When she left she left me w $800/ month rent signed for another month... so ill be out july 1.. the entire phone bill .. her crdit card that s in both our names.. she withdrew 800 from my checking when she left... Just a material bitch.. And when she lost her job and couldnt afford to buy her son an ipod i bought it, downloaded all my music on it and sent it out to him in cali next day.. She just doesnt appreciate money or anyone that doesnt spoil her im thinking, she takes everything for granted
  14. well here s the deal.. we broke up and now live 5 states apart.. texas / minnesota .. But we resolved the issues we had and i continued to pay her bill from a long distance relationship... And when she calls im at work alot and shell hear me talking to the guys/girls that work there.. So i guess she flipped out , thought i was cheatin and did it on purpose... I asked her if she was gonna pay it shes like " fuk no " u cheatin pos , bla bla ... So what or how do u convince someone that is soooo set on what they think ( in her case that im cheating ) they just wont listen to actual truth or reason ??
  15. thats to much for the pea brain to remember... She did it on purpose cuz she thought i was cheating on here... That damn woman fukd me big.. Fuk i wish i would ve been bangin some other chick if this was already the outcome... Jealous controling bitches ftl
  16. Well i see that my gf ran up 199 bux in extra internet overage and made 20 calls to 411 at 1.79 a piece ... Im about to put my head through a damn wall
  17. I dont remember the name .. All i know is that it was on a jl audio demo cd, had crazy bass and started off with a piano ... If anyone has this or knows what im talking about please hook me up w a link, thanks
  18. i always wanted to see it happen , but dont think it has.. Where the w7 is used in an spl setup, anycar anyhow, Id just like to see whatkind of numbers that can put up.. Say just a basic street b setup with around 5k rms for a pair of 12 sin a nice setup
  19. id say w7 s for me.. But ive had em before so maybe a lil biased . WHy q 15 s instead of 12 s in the comparison?
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