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Posts posted by DRAMAQUEEN

  1. I had n iphone, loved it but there were 3 things i counld stand w it...

    Battery life is terrible, and i couldnt find a good car charger for it anywhere

    No MMS sending.. You cant send or receive picture or video messages through text... You have to send them by email, and its to much of a pita.. plus no 3g.. yet at lesst

    AT&T will not let you insure it, which is pretty shitty if something were to happen to it.. Although that is a tough damn phone..

    I got a blackjack 2 now , besides the wow factor of the iphone ( touchscreen, ipod media , and net usage ease, i like it better, and its 3g and 1/4 the price and Excells in the 3 thing s i mentioned above

  2. Just checked out the post and i will say this...

    Phishing Gods hang around that site because of the numerous security flaws...I wouldnt be surprised if this was a phisher....however now that myspizzle finally blocked phishing sites through email, comments, and bulletins...she may actually be real....

    Remember this....if u ever come to a page that has the "You must be logged in to do that" sign on it, if the url doesnt read www.login.myspace.com, you are on a made up page...ne how if shes real i would def. give that a shot...

    thanks bro.. i forgot about this thread... i think u guys need to subscribe to the " So My Old Roomate Went Tubing/drinking Today With About 5000 Ppl... Is This Proper Swimming Apparel?" thread ;)

  3. I don't know that I would ever try to get chicks off myspace or facebook.

    I'd rather just goto the bar and do it in real life. sooo much easier.

    But to each his own, good luck and hope it works out!

    x2 but ive met a few chicks on myspace that were normal , and still cool to hang with. No problems meeting them out , just every once n a while ill get a friend request that strikes the curiosity :)

    And to whoever told me to meet a chick at the abortion clinic... Not gonna happen, those chicks usually dont have much money and are a lil to skanky for me :)

  4. im fucking laugh so fucking hard, if he meets this chick, and it's a fat 300 pound guy.

    oh man gl wif this shit lol

    Thats a scam profile along with the scam message. Like their bottom info on the bottom will always say the bare minimal if anything and along with only 1 pic.

    Did u 2 not see my last post?? i know fake ones but thias chick seems legit.. If not i WILL post pics

  5. good chance it will be pain forever, i cracked my knee cap a while back and tore my inside tendon (never went to the doctor) well went a few weeks ago cause i couldnt move it and he said i have to take cortizone shots but itll hurt forever

    yay me!!! and you!!! lol

    age will only make it worse tho...:(

    Yea i cant wait til im 50 and cant move.. Rollover car accident when i was 16 , fucked up my back, both knees torn in hs, and now 1 hand down... hope i have good medical insurance :)

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