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Posts posted by Vidmaster

  1. Hey,

    I would say that, just like anything else with audio, it depends what else you are using.

    I.E: if you use a 5000$ high SQ system, and 5$ yard sale RCA's, it will sound bad.

    If you use a 50$ junky system and 50$ RCA's from some high end shop, it will sound bad.

    BUT, if you use 50$ RCA's from a high end shop and 5000$ high SQ system, it will sound good.

    In all honesty, try to get a good fit for what you already have :)

  2. I have a few theories;

    1.) it is vibrating against the windshield... in which case, put some sort of glue or something around it and wherever it is up off the glass.

    2.) it is vibrating the plastic parts of the mirror together... in which case, find tightening screws or glue.

    3.) there is a very small animal that hates the sound of bass somewhere in your car, and whenever you turn it up it makes a stupid noise... in which case, get a shotgun.

    Thats my 2 cents haha.

    I say call the police station and ask them about it. It has probably been asked before. Unless there is a crabby old receptionist lady that has a hard time believing that sound could break your rear view mirror LOL.

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