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Posts posted by cgrez33

  1. A good diet, is one which you basically eat every 2 hours, try to get in your red meats, but make sure your working out.

    I'm more of a natural guy and don't believe in creatine etc etc.

    You'll be fine with almost any sort of Whey protein. I just don't really trust GNC at all.

    Also some Omega 3-Fish oils help.

    I've been losing weight and have lost it with whey proteins and omega 3oils, different diet.

    My buddy was wrestling at 171, ever since season ended he's been on this diet and is at 205 6% body fat.

  2. Who do you guys think will win?

    Even though I really am hoping Mosley wins, I think Mayweather is much better as a boxer.

    Notice, I say boxer. They're several good "brawlers" or "fighters" in boxing such as:

    • Pacquiao-Hard Hitting and more endurance than the energizer bunny.
    • De La Hoya- Hard Hitter. (Old now.)
    • Mike Tyson- Extremely fast, Hard hitting, and very high endurance for a heavy weight.
    • Mosley- Great fighter, hard hitting, decent endurance.

    On another note the amount of known "boxers" is relatively low. When it comes to "famous" boxers I think of two:

    • Muhammad Ali- Considered one of the greatest boxers of all time, hit hard, hit fast, hit counters. fought in the outside.
    • Mayweather- Very Defensive, great countering skils, master of the jab.

    Some are going to argue that all Mayweather does is Jab, Counter, Defend, Run around and repeat. But If he's still undefeated he must be doing something right.

    Don't get me wrong I think Mosley is a great fighter but I don't believe that'll he'll be able to outsmart Mayweather.

    Some quotes from Mayweather:

    "To be honest with you, I normally beat guys with my C game and I don’t have to pull my A or B game out."

    "He can have heart, he can hit harder and he can be stronger, but there's no fighter smarter than me."

    And finally the reason I want him to lose:

    I’m running my mouth a lot and I’m looking for a guy to shut me up. If you don’t shut me up I’m going to keep running my mouth.

  3. So I looked up the BTL's and noticed that they're under back order, until May 20th. Kind of hoping to have something by then so they're out.

    So I'm left with either two of the DC Level 5's. Death Penalty's, or Digital Design 3512's.

    Amp would be AQ3500D.1

    Approximate Enclosure estimate was. 3.5 cubes at 35 hz with 100-140 sq in of port. (BIGD23).

    Sound good?

    Honestly appreciate all the great help.

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