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Posts posted by cgrez33

  1. I have the big 3 upgrade, Batcap 400, and optima yellowtop.

    So assuming I'm going with the AQ. I should be fine?

    That settles the amplifier.

    Subwoofers, I guess its now on DC Lvl 5. IA DP's. or DD's 3512's.

    Price range for DC's or DD's?

    Anyone got any info for a right sized enclosure?

    I'm sorry for the hassle I'm really into bass, and am learning on my own, any helps appreciated. Thanks.

  2. how much u want 2 spend?

    there is dc audio (super good),fi,aa,dd

    it all about how deep ur pockets are

    Well in total I have maybe $1800 or so to spend on the box/amp/subs/accessories.

    Since I'm going to be running the Kicker2500.1 It'll leave me at $1150ish.

    Not really sure how much I'm going to have to spend on other stuff so I say about 800, 900?

    In reply to Dr.Johnson, aren't my only two options but I"m trying to keep the total under 1800. any ideas are welcome.

  3. Hey I'm new to the SMD forums (been stalking for a while) and I'm thinking of getting a new sub woofer system.

    I'm planning on getting 2 Death Penalty's

    My first question is which amp to run it on Kicker 2500, or a Power Acoustik 5500 Advice on which one?

    Second would be what would I need like "accessory" wise to run it smooth, (cap,bats,second skin etc)

    • Currently have:
    • BatCap 400
    • Extra yellowtop battery in the trunk.

    Last would be what what would be an enclosure plan for a trunk of about 3.4^cu ft (Pontiac G6) I'm really bad when it comes to figuring out what sounds good relating to the box etc.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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