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Posts posted by rfiliou

  1. i have a 1996 jeep grand cherokee / 200 amp alternator /two yellow top batt/ have two 18" kicker solox's but going to put two more in walled don't know what amps i'm going to run but right now i have 2 ma audio hk802sx's alot of people say i can put 14 volt batteries in my car with out frying it but i don't know if they know what they are talking about

  2. it would be helpful if you listed your car, alt brand, alt series, and the average load on the alt and the amount of TOTAL watts in the car NOT PEAK

    i have a 1996 jeep grandcheerokee i have a special made 200 amp alt not sure what u mean by load i have 2 18' kicker solo x and 2 m a audio hk-802sx they say 4400 watts rms but eeryone says i am lucky is i am getting 2000 watts am using zero gauge wire for the ground

  3. trying to pull to much power from it

    I do not think that i am drawing to much ppower i had alternator wth less amps in it before and i had no problem i switched because my alternator went because a bolt broke and i bought a bigger amp alternator and it keeps frying i have been through two already any ideas

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