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Posts posted by noxside

  1. Hehe, Sharing a computer can be troublesome =) But anyways, i hope everything will be ok with your facebook and all, and that it wont happen again.

    Mainly Keyloggers is mostly targeted against people who play MMORPG's like WoW or people with steam accounts. Don't see why some hackers go for facebook accounts, as i said before it might be someone who know to much about you.

  2. Free solutions is Avast and spybot search and destroy. If these antivirus finds it you can delete it or quarantine it. And keep everything up to date like your OS etc.

    And also for future use, never ever install any software that requires to install to view that video or hear that song. Flash player is the only thing you need to watch stuff on youtube or other sites. and watching videos on your PC i recommend VLC.

    And it could as well be just some guy who know to much info about you. like the most likely what your secret answer is to your secret question for resetting passwords and shit like that

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