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Posts posted by iceman1575

  1. Microsoft Security Essentials is FREE and does work, however it cannot stop people from being stupid. If you truly have a bad virus only someone experienced in removing it should tackle it. There are things virus' can do that are not seen or fixable by any of the above mentioned products. Malwarebytes and Super AntiSpyware are both great tools when used properly. However if this thing is sofisticated then you can expect headaches for a while. One I landed on my home PC (yes us tech people get them sometimes too) was a bit of a royal pain to remove, however with my laptop and a little research I found the crucial first step to removing it, which without it would have left me with a PITA removal process. The beauty I got was Win7 Security 2012 Version2, which not only suspended any .exe from running via the registry, it also prevented any kind of executable from being ran, such as .msi and more. This thing was well written because it even ran in safe mode, which about 95% of the virus' out there do not.

    Anyway, long story short I had to extract and run a registry fix key to enable executable file use, then narrowed down the virus itself in safe mode, removed the main files myself and ran malwarebytes to remove any remaning files. However as I said this thing was well written, it also changed ALL FILES to HIDDEN, including the folders. Which is a bit of a PITA to correct manually, so a system restore to 2days prior corrected that issue.

    Mainly what I want you and others who may see this topic to see is that while the "average" virus can be removed with simple steps, such as rebooting to safe mode and running malwarebytes/Super Antispyware. Some can be very nasty, so be careful, and NEVER put any kind of personal information into anything that pops up, yes that is pretty obvious but trust me someone has done it and I am sure more will without figuring it out. And above all else, if you need help ASK, there are plenty of tech people on this forum including myself who will help you out. I can type out an entire process to help you remove it but it sounds like you are on your way to getting it fixed, but again if you need help just ask.

    I'm slowly doing it. Just trying to locate all the files. It's a royal PITA. Any help is appreciated though.

  2. To put the low down, my truck has 163k miles, and is supposed to have a 2" leveling kit in the front, but I'm pretty sure being that old, the rest of the suspension is worn out and needs replaced. I'd like to get it back to a like-new ride, but still be pretty well riding offroad (I do go mudding sometimes). Can anyone recommend what I should look towards getting to get my truck back like new with as level of a body as possible? Just looking for some advice, as I know NOTHING about suspension.

  3. you wanna see dem jizz stains on your floormats?

    That would be the only purpose for yours :lol::P

    Try something like these maybe


    A longer wait coming from china, but the shit's all made in china anyway, get them here and you pay twice as much.

    I was looking at those, but I don't know which ones would truly give the UV/blacklight effect.

    The ones that mention testing paper money ect SHOULD do it :pardon:

    buy the cheapest to test maybe.


    Hm, gonna give it a try.

  4. Every crossover is designed for one impedance, adding more drivers you change the impedance and with that you change crossover frequency... So answer is: no, you cannot put two tweeters on one crossover...

    or should i just wire up the tweeters straight to amp with active x-over ?

    Active x over is way to go if you want your tweets alive :)

    I don't see why you can't if the crossover's rated ohm load is the same as the final load of two tweeters... correct me if I'm wrong.

  5. You need a bbq, a shit ton of chicken breasts, and a whole lotta veggies of all kinds. Oatmeal with frozen berries mixed in for breakfast.

    Breasts sound good :lol: But that doesn't sound like a bad idea...

    Keep it lean, minimal fried foods, carbs ect..... lean beef, skinless chicken, white turkey, tuna & other certain fish, green veggies.5-6 smaller meals a day. Don't pig out, take a lil more time eating when you do, & don't eat a lot before you sleep.

    Been doing that more, I rarely ever eat a big meal anymore anyways..

    Ive lost 20 ibs in the last 2 months alone by drinking only water, smaller portion meals, when i feel like snacking i eat oranges or apples, and ive started walking 2 miles a day, also I dont eat or snack 5 to 6 hours befor bed. Not everyone is the same, finding what works for you might be easy or difficult, dont give up! you can do it. Also be careful lifting weights you can add mass while loseing fat and your weight could stay the same, it can be discuraging if you not able to tell the difference right away.Good luck.

    Weight I'm not too worried about. I'd rather have more muscle and mass and keep the same weight. I want to be a cloud :peepwall::lol: But seriously, if I can lose most of my fat, then that's what I'm aiming for.

    Thanks for the advice guys, been slowly working on it. Starting Monday, I'm cutting fast food out altogether, stocking the fridge up with water and G2. Going to try to go to my dad's neighborhood and walk a loop around (it's about 2 miles long with 5 side streets about a mile long total), and hoping to get a couple friends to start working out. We have a weight bench there at my dad's so that's no problem, just need the people.

    If you can go swimming, burns shitloads of calories, whole body in action and water prevent your joint´s.

    I'm hoping to do a lot more swimming this year. It's not quite warm/stable enough yet here in the US to go swimming, but we're working on getting our pool ready.

  6. Thanks for the advice guys, been slowly working on it. Starting Monday, I'm cutting fast food out altogether, stocking the fridge up with water and G2. Going to try to go to my dad's neighborhood and walk a loop around (it's about 2 miles long with 5 side streets about a mile long total), and hoping to get a couple friends to start working out. We have a weight bench there at my dad's so that's no problem, just need the people.

  7. RF for life eh?.. nice work. Can we ask about the names? or is that a no no ?

    Miranda, doris, michelle, antheny??.. family? i understand if its your own bag bro.....then forgive me asking....

    Miranda is my Daughter, Michelle wife, Antheny Son, Kay Kay son (Kaleb), Doris and Fred are great grandparents that are long gone, but NEVER forgotten. The portrait is my mom's high school picture (old black and white one i love so much)

    Oh the RF isn't necessarily just a brand-stamp, it signifies that i got to go to Rockford RTTI back in 08...something not a lot get to do :) Plus Rockford paid for anyone who wanted an RF tatt when class was over for the week. I ditched my class project along with a guy named Mike and we both got our ink on haha....came back, my project was finished for me. So basicly, i only did half my project and spent the other half in the chair. :rofl:

    Tsk tsk :lol: Man, I feel left out. I'm gonna have to get me some ink, I always feel left out, just unsure what I want to do.

  8. Telling someone that you're either going to "burn it or sell it to some1 else" is tactless. If you're doing a business deal with someone, be professional and just say that it's using a lot of your free space preventing you from making boxes for other people and you need it out of there by X date or they will forfeit the box. The person already paid you, so it's not an issue of them not having the money.

    what the fuck do you think ive been doing? sitting around with my thumb up my ass??

    professionalism went out the window a week ago..

    i txt him EVERYDAY 2 or 3 times a day..and he continues to blow me off

    so i see it as your post was NOT needed

    I was going to give you helpful advice, 'till I saw this. You have your money, if he doesn't want the box, take an axe to it and leave the pieces on his doorstep. If it's bothering you that much, scrap the wood and only charge him the price of the wood. But when you ask us for advice, and turn around and start with an attitude like that, you can take that box, take a shit in it, and shove it up your ass. Talent is only a small portion of success. Being an ass is a complete fail.

    Oh, and if you want to be a prick, I'll be one too. This is in the wrong f*cking section. This doesn't have to do with general audio, it has to do with enclosures. There's a section for that. :stfu2::noob:

  9. Alright, that got your attention :lol: But seriously, it's taken me a while to really realize it, but I NEED to go on a diet. I've cut myself back to one meal a day (big or small) but that's not really what I need. I'm planning on drinking alot of water (and water only), cutting my portions to small meals, and definitely going to be working out daily (Probably walk a mile around the dog park every day so I can take my dogs out as well). But as far as the food, what do you guys recommend that is simple, tastes good, and helps cut back calories? I'm open to suggestions.

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