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Posts posted by iceman1575

  1. I thought about doing the same thing and did some research about it. Pretty much any legit wholesaler will need a tax id number or a business license number before they will sell you anything and if they don't they might be some sort of scam. I had a few of them bookmarked awhile ago but my wife rebooted the hard drive and I lost them. If you do some digging you should be able to find a few car audio is easy to find but I never found one for tvs though.

    none of those logos are clickable. they're just fuckin pictures


    thats the domain of the verisign photo and the other 3 on the bottom. its fake as fuck

    That's what I thought. My parents aren't really the most intelligent people when it comes to this...lol. Saved 'em from being scammed on a house.

    why dont you go to Kinetic.com/alpine.com/rockford.com and tell them you want to sell and you have a business set up...

    I've wanted to be a dealer myself, just don't have the money...

  2. Just wire to 2 ohms. If you try an add an artificial load to increase the impedance from .5 ohms up to 1 ohm - your amp will be splitting the power between powering that and the speakers, so you really don't gain anything. Rather, your subs will see less power than if you just wired to 2 ohms.

    Oh, you really don't need to cock an attitude when fellow members are trying to give advice.

    There's a difference in "giving advice" & being a smartass dick. Just because I'm thinking of ideas doesn't give a reason to be a dick. If it's not possible to do that, just say it's not efficiently possible...

    Nothing can emulate a speaker since its an electro-mechanical frequency dependent device.

    You have three choices:

    Wire 0.5 Ohms

    Wire 2 Ohms

    Use an impedance matching transformer but to handle that kind of power, you'd be spending more money than a 1 ohm stable amp.

    Thank you. At least your response is more than halfway intelligent :lol: just kidding. But really, thanks, I didn't know if there was a way...

  3. What subs u using..sounds like dual 2 ohms u have now.why not just get the amp u need instead buying subs u don't need..what amp u have now?

    Try 4 dual 4's. And you're kidding me right?

    Just wire to 2 ohms, it really isn't all that difficult

    Really? I thought it was. /sarcasm

    But seriously, I know how to wire. Figured I'd ask a question. I'm always thinking of shit whether it's realistic or not, it's always at least worth thinking about. So thanks, but you can be a dickhead somewhere else.

  4. Is your voltage at 14.4?

    Are you running it into clipping?

    If no on either 1 dont expect 800

    Exactly what I was thinking. It shouldn't cause a drop, but maybe it's 800 @ 14.4, and/or your voltage is dropped. Did you test with car running or car off? How big is the power wire going to your amplifier? There's several variables, but shouldn't affect it too much...just something to think about.

    P.S. in for the easiest solution. Wanting to create a real clamp test meter to proove to these little loudmouth pricks around here about how much power their amps REALLY put out.

  5. Bushwacker makes fernder flares i think,

    As for your paint job, if you've never done body work/ or paint work it will be a big ass learning curve, but If your willing to learn I can help out, I have done body work for the past 5 to 6 years, I actually got hired over a summer to do body work for the school I went to, but yeah Just let me know

    I thought I had another topic about this, considering this one's a month old... :lol: 19 is the new 86 as far as memory goes...

    I like the look of the Bushwacker flares, definitely gonna have to give them a go. And as far as the repaint, I'm unsure. Considering repainting it black...I just think it looks good on these trucks.

  6. http://www.newegg.co...1185-_-04112012

    May give it a try. I'd mainly use mine with a program called ATCS for trainspotting, but probably wouldn't be bad to bring all 100+GB of music with you...haha. May have to get one for the hell of it.

    P.S. I'm not encouraging, nor am i responsible, for any legal issues this may give you :lol: Use it at your own risk.

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