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Posts posted by yamov

  1. im runing a 4 gauge that splits to 8 gauge for the sound ordance and 4 gauge to teh rockford but when i get teh new 1500bd mos tlikely ill run the 4 gauge soley to it and run another 8 gauge from the battery to the sound ordance

    what is the big 3? and when u say i should run 1/0 gauge u mean to everything or just form alt to battery?

    and if u guys could help me in choosing certain products or even pointing me at good brand names for this stuff... thanks

    and just for knowledge what do you mean voltage up to par??

  2. ok so im driving a 98 grand cherokee with stock alt and firestone battery i think now i got a rockford amp mono in the back thats getting replaced in the next few days to a rockford power 1500bdcp and i also got a sound ordance M4075 75W x 4 for the doors now my voltage already goes crazy when i turn the vol to 75% so i know i need to do somthing now im not sure if to get an extra normal car battery hooked in parallel with the one already there or should i get a cap cell battery or should i get a performance alternator?

    keeping in mind i cant go overboard with this only got maybe 200 to 250 to spend on this at the moment so im looking to put what ever is most crucial at teh moment then wehn i get extra money in the next few weeks put some extra stuff in there...

    what you guys think i should get?

  3. ok so the rcas are off a rockford wiring kit so i cant say i think i can get better rcas lol then they runing on an opposite side of the car from the power so thats good mmmm as far as tuning been threw that havent got it to not distort now whats an oscope???

    and i guess next thing to do since errything is brand new is to go get another 4 channel amp and hook it up see if its the amp thats messed up cus i doubt the rfs are they just look too sexy to be messed up lol

    anyother idead tho is there anything else that could distort it??

  4. wierd thing is i had a pair of crappy ass 4 way xplods that was less distorted but i was like aaa lets get red of this so i went ahead got the rockfords and got red of the eclpise amp that was pushing the xplods and put the sound ordance in there instead

    could it be that the power wire is interfering with the speaker wires sum how? they do run right next to each other on one side of the car....

  5. ok so im new here

    m qustion is if i got a rockford t1652 and it says 75rms on it that means it cna actualy push that or less?

    cus i got a soundordance amp pushing 4 of those 75 rms each and they sound distorted about 75% up at first i thought it could be the wiring so i went ahead and re run new wires throught all the doors but its not it so yea could it be theire not supose to go up to 75rms? or what else am i doing wrong??

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