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Posts posted by Incin

  1. this is how i set mine but not sure how accurate it is. leave ur gains how they are an turn ur deck up slowly an listen for the clip mine is about 52/62. once u find it turn it down a bit to where u feel comfortable with the level then on ur amp slowly play with ur settings until the bass has a smooth transaction from beat to beat. if u have a bass boost nob turn that all the way down. an thats how i set mine an i think it sounds pretty good.

  2. So im sitting there and im listning to psyph an i say this will sound better with a lil bass. so i turn it down an turn my subs on an turn the bass up an i turn the volume back up. i got some bass then it just stopped hittn but the music was still playing i went to my back seat an checked all my wires and there still good even the ones on the subs an my amp was still on an didnt go into protect mode.. Sound still comes out of them jus no bass.. ideas anyone?

  3. Im gunna be ordering a FI 15" Q at 2ohm with all the upgrades and I was wondern what box should I get for it? I was planning on a vented an i was lookn at ground shakers on sonic electronix but not sure if I should do a ported tube with 3.50 cu. ft, box with a gs port at 2.50 cu. ft., or regular port box at 2.50 cu. ft.

    Now for the amp im gunna go wit a audioque but not sure if i should go wit the 1200 or the 2200.. i know im gunna have to a new power wire so i was gunna get some 0 gauge. if u think im missin somethn fill me in it would be appreciated.

    EDIT: I have a 99 Grand Am GT so if you think I need to upgrade my electrical there ya go :santa:

  4. Hey guys i decided to upgrade my system from two RF P1s to two FI BTL 12s at 1 ohm.. i kn im gunna need to get a capacitor an alot bigger of an amp an 1/0 gauge wire. im lookin into another battery because i have a stock 99 grand am gt so i know im gunna have to upgrade quite a bit to run then btls. Do any of you have suggestions for what i should get? thanxs for ur time.

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