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Posts posted by jshark5

  1. What are some tips for some of us who have never been in front of the termlab mic? I want to get in there but at the same time i dont want to considering im only running 1000 rms and stock electrical. So what are some tips so i dont completly bomb my first attempt?

  2. I have used only ofc wire from knu. I will say i was impressed with there kolossus 4 gauge. It was a little thiner then my rockford fosgate wire which was cca. Cca ussually thicker but cant carry as much power. Which isnt too big of a deal. It would be less strain on 2 wires rather then one anyway. But me myself id do two runs of ofc because if i was going to go to a shop they charge 5 something a foot for zero gauge anyway.

  3. Ah the comment about sitting in the parking lot reminds me of my school when there was a morning stake-out. I went to school with a lot of ricer kids and they would toss decent setups in them with a high price like jl (not compaired to engine mods) and one day after school there was like 10 cars broke into with, bucket seats torn out sitting in the parking lot and power and speaker wire hanging out of trunks. It was funny shit to watch all these kids all pissed off. These where those rich kids with the gain turned all the way up with blown w7's ya...

  4. Iv seen db tests of subs back port back vs subs front port front and you lose dbs. Kinda makes sence and kinda doesn't. A wall fully sealed from the back is making it a more compact space so your going to get more air movement (well built I may add) due to such a small space. If its just front not sealed from the back its still got all that room in back to play around with.

  5. damn, hes busting 10-20 out a day <==guessing

    I'd assume on a good day it would be more than that. If he was just putting basket, and moving assembly in.

    But as far as the mass production, if you have to keep telling yourself DC isn't, that's fine.

    Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    I'm done.

    shouldnt you be installing a cb radio and listening to some johnny rebel? what the hell are you installing subs for anyway?

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