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Posts posted by HC3400BLK

  1. yes very true it is a flea market brand most people have never heard of em b4 but not all unknown brands are trash just cuz it doesn't have a major label on it dont mean shit i run BMW486's in my burb on flea market brand subs and i cant be touched around here hell that was the point of my install to make all the major brand groupies sick when a guy from the flea market shut them down LOL and so far thats exactaly what i have done anyway Split i've sold over 100 of thoes BMW484 amps and if you run it at a 4 ohm load mono you wont have any probs but if you are looking to run under 4 ohms mono i would try another amp bro

    I agree i run 2 quantum audio 12 that come straight out of kings flea market that will put some of the name brand subs to shame ther 750 rms and it was runnin off a lanzar amp but now im bout 2 get a quantum audio 2000 watt amp 1300rms i think but yea try out the amp make sure u get a warrnty on it jus incase somthin goes wrong u can take it back or if u dont like it.

  2. I think what he meant was it wants to really feed it some power but jus not tuned up correct cause arent the rms like 400 on the cvr. and the amp should feed like 1100 rms at at 2 ohms

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