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Posts posted by DBz

  1. i wouldn't really invert unless you had to, with the sub forward your box would have to be further back in your trunk and the motor would be on the back of your seats, no real problem i guess, just seems awkward to me.

    Well, I don't even have backseats anymore lolz. :drink40:

    So the motor hitting my backseats shouldn't be a problem lol. I'm just saying invert for more airspace in the box without having to worry about sub displacement. it would be port forward towards the cabin sealed around the edges.

  2. My input is 34-36 is exactly what I like. Inverting is not something I know much about. But as far as I know. The only thing you gain is less the displacement like you said.

    Yeah cause I listen to SOME chopped and screwed but im not gonna tune my shit to like 29hz or somethin ridiculous. haha. Cause I know a 15 in a civic trunk would probably require to build the box INSIDE the trunk right?

  3. Looked at a lot of youtube videos of Power Acoustik P3's. They are very capable of getting real loud. They are in my budget for 2 15's. Do you think I will have any problems with the car as far as the battery and alternator not keeping up?

    Also do you think I have room for 2 15's in the trunk?

    Depends on the amp you're gonna be getting. If its a power hungry amp then yes you'll have voltage drop, dimming lights etc. Get a Optima in front and a C31 Deep cycle in the trunk and you'll be good.

  4. Mp3's are compressed media meaning they take a lot of audio information out of the track to make them smaller and fit 100's of more songs

    Cd's do sound better cause all the data is there cause once you take that data away there is no getting it back

    I have an iPod with songs that are not compressed it has 500 songs that takes over 20 gigs

    I see so on CD's its an uncompressed format (I think wav?) and on iPod its all mp3's right? Interesting

  5. just firgure out whats not working when you push the up or down do you hear the motor work ? if not replace the motor on both doubt "bass" did it its a honda parts break because they want you to spend money but its a cheap fix nuff said

    The motor works on both doors, its the wire thats wrapped around it, like the spool. The wire unspooled off that shit. I can hear the motors they both work, but the windows won't stay up. On the contrary they go down.

  6. Alrite so I got a 97 civic, entire car is sound deadened, recently my passenger window wouldn't stay up anymore, so I tied something up inside the door to hold it completely up, now my driver side window won't stay up, WTF!!! I guess I can thank bass for this one, anyways, is it worth fixing the door? i'm pretty sure its the cranking mechanism (power windows) or should I just get 2 new doors? (well not new, from the junkyard)

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