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Status Updates posted by michigancapri92

  1. Ok... Who is the one who allowed Jack Roush to fly a southwest plane?

  2. Just met Joshua sharp the cook at ameristar

  3. Me and dad and the girl are north bound ... she will make me proud !!! I will be going right to Dearborn coney island! !!! Will be there around 12pm friday ... anyone and everyone is welcome! !!!!! Come one come all the coffee is on me!!!!! I will need it after this 15 hour drive

  4. base coat of the air box has been painted !!! woot still need 2 more coats and then onto the 2000 wet sanding tomorrow then the accents then the pearl ... then the clear .... WOOT

  5. Thank you irs for giving me my monies today!!!!!

  6. happy new year michigan !!!! i still have to wait an hour !

  7. Madison- "dont fight me. Im more man than you" ... Uh what?

  8. edge is back to normal !! all things that were sound deadened were: Roof, back hatch, floor, back wheel wells, back hatch walls, all doors, and hood .... no more rattles and a much quieter ride on the inside !

  9. Everything on capri should be good to go driving wise !!!!

  10. That moment when every employee of vicksburg ford is outside drooling over your car and as a blast dire straights and you see two old guys jamming out .... priceless .... and a good feeling of pride for my car

  11. Dec 7. Enjoying lunch at martins at midtown... in short sleeve shirt out on the deck soaking up the sun!

  12. Thank you ford for ruining my door...

  13. the last 4 speakers of the car have been ordered !!! will now have a total of 12 speakers in the car !! 4 in the front 2 subwoofers and two rear accent fills in the back !!! WOOT !!!

  14. This has been the worst April Fools in history ... april fools has gone wrong and blown up in my face ... worse prank EVER :-'(

  15. Building a new home for my lizards!!! Its very big I was able to sit Indian style with comfort while cutting the vents

  16. looking to get an astron power supply for my car ... anyone know of these and a good website to order from ? looking for a 35 AMP astron

  17. me and madison have finally taken our first trip on the motorcycle ... long enough one where we went to another state :-)

  18. im super happy and having fun ... turn the switch on ... im evil .... >.

  19. im glad i can see alll these wonderful satires and propaganda people have spoken out with a terrible event as their fuel ... go humanity !

  20. new phones tomorrow .... its going to be a VERY long day ... prolly be done with work around 8 or 9

  21. might be getting rid of these stinky crickets im tired of dealing with !!!!

  22. got my weathertech floor mats in today front rear and cargo and WOW they are perfect !! will get some pictures !!

  23. Still not done it needs the trim panels finished that will snap into place and wired up. The seats will still fold and function

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