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Posts posted by Carroot1

  1. So its winter. Just popped my snow tires on and i realized how cool it would be to tint my windows and put a muffler on.

    By the way if you didnt already know ^^^^ i have a 1999 BMW 323i Black 4 Door Sedan.

    Im wondering about which muffler to get i dont wana spend over 50 dollars and ebay has some nice ones but im not sure if they will fit although this says if fits but who knows

    My link

    any ideas?


  2. if i got a 360 i dont know if i would put it online. maybe just mod/hack the crap out of it and download and burn all my games lol. but i do want the kinect

    if you do that just get an old xbox witha benq disk drive... some verbatim disks and make sure your computer has a dual layered dvd burner. if ya need any help i can help ya:)

  3. I know this may be a stupid question but i have a 1999 bmw 323i with an sa 12s and a aq1200d with 1 walmart battery under the hood and the stock battery in the back with a stock alternator i think its an 80 amp but im not sure. If i get like a D1200 would my voltage increase a lot or does that have to do with the alternator. At full tilt my voltage drops from 14 to 13.


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