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Posts posted by Carroot1

  1. make sure you have a 200 ANL fuse and whats your voltage at the battery and at the amp when your car is on idle.

    also make sure your not playing the subs with the car turned off because you wont be seeing 14.4vs unless your idling.

    Adjust your gains correctly. Upgrade wire to 1/0 maybe 0 gauge. Add an extra battery walmart one or 2 agm batteries. after all that is done let me know what happened

  2. Since im rebuilding my box, im wondering about aero ports.

    Subs 2 SA 12s

    Amp AQ1200D 4 gauge

    My Box Specs are W 30 H 14 D 24

    Is there anything i should know about aero ports like how far they should be away from a wall

    Idk this might be my best bet. 2 5inch aeros tuned to 35hz with 11 cu feet of port puts me in good port range.

    Any help is appreciated

    Thanks! :drinks:

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