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Posts posted by Carroot1

  1. you want to download it faster? connect straight to your modem and ditch the router. static and dynamic ip wont make a difference.

    Thing is after i download about 500mb of 7.5gb it makes me wait 2 hours before i can download another 500mb... I found a little trick that worked. Downloaded 500mb when my computer was attached straight to the router then after the 500mb limit came up i connected it straight to my modem so i could download another 500mb. I black ops now:)

  2. Alright just installed my new hids the other day and damn they are bright. When I drive at night down a country road listening to music (not loud) and i turn my high beams on half of the time my music shuts down, its not the amp the headunit like stops for a good minute or so. I know these probably take a lot of voltage to start up but really? wtf

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