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Posts posted by cmegorm250

  1. OP. AQ subs are stifffff as crap brand new and take time to really get to where they'll play lower notes.

    AQ subs do fine down low, but if you're looking for a "sweet spot" your vehicle will play a big roll in it. your best bet if you really want that "sweet spot" is to build your box to where you can change tuning at will.

    Otherwise, tune to 30-34 (i suggest 34) if you really want.

    i bet my fi bl was stiff as well and didnt start playing the lows until a few weeks after installing it.

  2. this is what i got from there website

    In the early 70's, Jim Fosgate studied the acoustical properties of automobiles. Utilizing a real-time analyzer and pink noise, he would graph out the acoustical characteristics of each car he tested. This lead to the development of the Punch Eq to compensate for problems that were common in all cars. The Punch Bass EQ section of the Punch EQ up to 18dB of boost for correcting acoustical deficiencies.

  3. im so glad i live in californa. its a chilly 65 degrees :) lol

    lol. the other day when everyone was bitchin so hard about the big blizzard, i was laughin' because i went outside at 6am and it was a nice 71 degrees. shorts and tshirt that day.

    lol word. i think its funny that us californa people complain about it getting down to 40 dgrees when whole east coast is like -20 ha

    im on the east coast, and here we havent seen below 50.

    huh then i guess your one of the lucky ones :drinks:

    yeah, it was -20 at my neighbors house across the street...... :yahoo:

    must be a hole in the ozone right over your house then ha

  4. im so glad i live in californa. its a chilly 65 degrees :) lol

    lol. the other day when everyone was bitchin so hard about the big blizzard, i was laughin' because i went outside at 6am and it was a nice 71 degrees. shorts and tshirt that day.

    lol word. i think its funny that us californa people complain about it getting down to 40 dgrees when whole east coast is like -20 ha

    im on the east coast, and here we havent seen below 50.

    huh then i guess your one of the lucky ones :drinks:

  5. i think us bass heads should get our own month to represent the history of car audio. 8) this needs to be in the classrooms across the usa teaching about car audio. who thinks this is a good idea lol?

    i think its about as stupid of an idea as black history month. dont hate me, im just being honest in how i feel.

    haha no hard feelings. i personally think it would be better than black history month. no offense to all you brothers out there. maybe just one day to the bassheads couldnt be any worse than national gay day lol

  6. im so glad i live in californa. its a chilly 65 degrees :) lol

    lol. the other day when everyone was bitchin so hard about the big blizzard, i was laughin' because i went outside at 6am and it was a nice 71 degrees. shorts and tshirt that day.

    lol word. i think its funny that us californa people complain about it getting down to 40 dgrees when whole east coast is like -20 ha

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