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Posts posted by Moley

  1. I do know what you mean, but having loud bass isn't my idea of good party music. I utilize a converter and have a very nice stereo system I use. Even with my stiff electrical I don't think I would ever like to play the truck for hours, lol.

    What is your setup?

    It's in my signature. The alpine amp runs the stock infinity speakers.


    I don't have the bass cranked all the way when I am camping of course. I have it about half way. I am like you and don't think that massive bass is good in that regard but some is needed. The speakers themselves do go quite loud surprisingly. I would play it for about 3-4 hours and start the car for 20 min every hour or so. It has worked so far and my amp is still kickn' but it does drain the battery way down.

  2. Most agm batteries aren't fully discharged until 10.5 volts so once your down that low they have to have a charge put back on them but fully discharging an agm is not something I would recommend. When your down to below the resting which will likely be 12.8 is pretty general for agm. Then charge back up.

    Well if I don't let it go below 12 volts at the most and try not to go below resting ( whatever that may be ) I should be "relatively" ok then I figure. No? Oh and I was thinking about hooking the new battery up and then putting my car in the garage and putting the car on a 2 amp charge overnight to make sure I am starting from 2 fully charge batteries. Also mabye do that once in a while after that. That would be helpful too I think.

  3. once it drops past its resting voltage i turn the car back on.

    What would the resting voltage be? I hear it's 12.6 for a wet cell and higher for an agm. If I have these 2 together than would that changs. I want to buy a volt meter when I get my new battery so I wan't to be able to tell what's up with my voltage. Pardon my ignorance.

    check the voltage after the car sits over night. that should be your resting voltage.

    Duh......( talking to myself ) That makes sense. So how much differecne would the voltage be when charged up? 1 volt or so?

  4. I would never run my stereo loud with the car off for multiple reasons. The main reason for you is that when you pull the batteries down, the alternator has a had time recharging a slightly discharged battery and this shortens battery life and system operating voltage.

    Hmmmm....that's gonna suck for camping this year. Mabye I will up the intervals that I have to turn the car on. I can't leave my car on for a couple of hours straight and the party can't happen without tunes. I usually turn the car on when the system starts to die. Bad Idea I guess.( Amp is still fine though ) That's why I wan't to know what minimum voltage to watch out for.

  5. It's a small stock battery and yup like a glove. 60AH and 550 CCA. Compact sports car. No room for squat. :( The only thing that will fit is a kinetik HC800 or a Shuriken BT35. I mean that is fine I guess as long as I have agm(s) in the back. I just have to save. I was thinking of a BT35 under the hood and a BT60 in the back. I am sure that will do it. What do you all think? That would be a total of 2200 watts capable and 95 AH. It shouldn't cost too much either and will be better than my stock battery for sure.

  6. or you could just run 2 batts in the back.....alot of newer cars dont have any battery up front just 1 in the back ..... i know for a fact chevy coblats do cuz i had to work on one today ans i was like where the fuck is the battery

    i would have to agree with the other post about running both batteries to the back, most new cars have then in the back (under the back seat or in the trunk by the spare tire) so you would have no problem with doing that. just keep the stock battery and when you are ready to sell the car then take out your system and put the battery back in....

    I agree somewhat. I will still utilize the stock battery spot under the hood. I havent quite decided yet but I will either keep the stock battery in place and run and small agm in the back or put a small agm in place of stock and a bigger agm in the back. The first option is way cheaper and according to Boon shouldn't be that bad but the second option is probably the right way to go.

  7. no worries, no shit starting, and i do see where youre coming from.

    but what i was trying to say was in response to his post about never getting a proper answer and then the forum should be a panel of judges to answer the technical questions. maybe i overreacted and the response came off more harsh than intended. i just thought if he had a more technical, difficult question he should place his question in a section equipped with people more experienced to handling his question.


    No worries is right. It's all good. Where should I have posted though? I don't see a technical catagory. Got a link?

  8. Or instead of trying be smart about it, you could actually be SMART about it. The question was placed in the general audio section, so I highly doubt you're going to a panel of judges to answer your every whim.

    A forum is just that...a forum. And although there is a wealth of knowledge, just looking around is not going to be enough.

    Even i dont know a very plausible answer to your question off the top of my head, and would think a question like this would better be answered by a person specializing in charging systems and batteries.


    Why not email someone like nate from XS?

    not to start shit here but why give the guy a hard time? i mean, giving him shit over a question you dont even know the answer to... come on. and its a damn good question. i like to think i know a good deal about audio and the charging system but i couldnt answer this one lol. so i kept quiet until some one gave a good answer. its really not a hard thing to do :pardon:

    Thanks for your support. Glad you liked the question. It's a thinker.

  9. you wont devalue anything about the car by move the battery platform lower...... stuff like that people do NOT care about.....hell most people wouldnt even notice.

    You might be right about people not noticing but I don't want to mod it like that. I would rather just keep the body stock and mod the engine. There has to be another way. I think just mabye a small agm under the hood and then one or two agm's in the trunk to make up for that. That would help with the weight distribution of the car too.

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