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Audio Doc

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Posts posted by Audio Doc

  1. also, roe has a page like that.

    Cool didn't know for sure if my post was a repost.. :V but its at least worth a look.... ;D

    Harrison Labs 1600

    wtf is goin on with that amp?

    lol no crap

    x2 looks like a DIY over at billy bob's turned frankenstein.

    One of the things a lot of people without electronics manufacturing or engineering experience don't often consider is the cost of fabbing PCB's. PCB fab costs you by the sq. inch and layers. And that only after you spend out tha wazoo to have a different PCB designed for each model. Then you can up the price some more with silkscreen, thru hole plate, etc, etc..

    So what Harrison did was make a set of PCB's that are one-size fits all, and just stuffed them to order. It's a cost thing. Because they actually offered many different versions of the audio engine, in the same uniquely hideous housing.

    They were good amps. Maybe still in business? :)

    - Matt

  2. The only thing you have to fear about EQ is EQ itself..

    They make power no doubt. But they are some of the most arrogant, ignorant, self centered, self righteous, and self serving nitwits I have ever delt with on a personal level. If you need a good reason *not* to buy thier stuff, buy it because you are a peon in thier eyes.

    Would you give your hard earned buckage to people who look down at you? blame you when thier crap catches fire? Tell you things like 'We don't make mistakes' When your amp comes back from service and still doesn't work? (yes, I had a customer who got this response from them)

    I'm sure milage varies, especially if they happen to sponser you. But if your 'joe blo' and you have a problem, the typical treatment you get from them is that you barely exist.

    - Matt

  3. MTX didn't design that subwoofer. The badging was done in good fun. Richard Clark and a host of outside engineers contributed to the design and construction.

    In 1997 (agains alma's best wishes) it was allowed to compete. But thanks to Alma's protest against them using a computer system to run the power supplies, the team had to 'wing it' and operate it manually.

    Operating it manually was a disaster and on the first stoke a support snapped. In this one single stroke it did 162db's.

    It has not been back because the rules still have not changed (so other competitors can still dispute the drive system), Money, and one other tidbit I can't remember ATM.

    Neat project though :D

    - Matt

  4. The point everyone is missing is that those are four *different* brand name amplifiers.

    The similarities are almost scary eh? Well it *is* almost halloween ;)

    I won't get into this again unless I'm asked to (because I've already posted about this once elsewhere). But when too many kids trying to break into the business are using the same chineese/korean ODM build house and designs, sooner or later people will notice and someone will get caught with thier pants down.

      Someone should inform Nick over at IA that it's 'defemation' not 'defecation' and 'defemation of character' cannot apply to an inanimate object.

      Furthermore slander & libel only applies to a negative campaign against a person/company that directly results in profit loss (and you must prove it).

    I'm am however fairly certain *his* customers can sue *him* for misrepresenting his product in several ways. Maybe he is the one best to keep his mouth shut?

    - Matt

  5. well i have the polymids for midbass. I am looking for midrange drivers, midrange doesnt require bigger cone-age. I think this is the most crucial part of any sq 3-way setup. but i dont have the cash for this yet :( you have any other 3-4" midrange drivers that are cheaper yet sound good...i've looked at partes express nothing appealing.

    i want the midrange to handle at least 85 rms

    Funny you should mention P.E.. The used to carry 'AUDAX' line. Not sure if they still do. I got a pair of the 3" paper cone drivers (wish I could remember the models) and was absolutly BLOWN AWAY by those things. They are made in france BTW. They are a bit on the conservative side on the RMS ratings. I piped around 100wrms into each (crossed over of course) and had zero issues. They were only rated at 50 max. I think I paid 50/ea for them.

    Of course, if you go sealed-back they are much more efficient. You can get super loud with only 40wrms. The downside is you cannot tune the baffle.

    - Matt

  6. Does it _have_ to be new?

    I just peeked at the MX line specs. A FEA optomized neo motor with an efficiency of 83.3 db 1w/1m


      If they managed to bump that up with the rest of the poor efficiency subs at around 89db 1w/1m (the good ones are > 90db) you would only need 500watts to get the job done. Although I'm sure the cone mass and suspension system don't help any, but now I'm ranting.

    Moral is your going to have to piss a TON of power away on these things. If your not against used amps, or any particular brand, I suggest a *pair* of monoblocks. You can get (for example) a used pair of EQ PHd2's for around 500.00 and each one is good for over 2k per sub.

    The specs on the MX's don't state wether or not that is max or RMS. So over 2krms may be way more then you need to begin with (which is perfect right?).

    With a pair, you can drop one on the pair to .5 ohms during the times you might have one of the out for service too. Why be without bass when you don't have to?

    Did I mention it's a MUCH cheaper route?

    My .02

    - Matt

  7. welcome to my forums Doc!  you must have missed the "introduce yourself" post we have here but thats ok.  Enjoy your stay! :^

    Sorry Steve, I completly overlooked it somehow. Goes to show that sleep really *is* important. I would understand if you moved my first post, honestly *sniff*

    Hi Ray! seen some of your work. It goes without saying that it's good. PM me about the amp. If your descriptive and shoot me a pic showing the problem child, I might be able to point you in the right direction. Or even suggest the appropriate sized sledgehammer ;)

    - Matt

  8. This is my first post here on SMD. A brief intro, and then we can commence the hazeing ;)

      My name is Matt. I am from PGH PA (yes it's cold here in the winters (yes our football team is lookin bad ( yes I know.. )))

      I have been a car audio enthusiest since age 12 and a audio hi-fi nut since age 6 (although a lot of people don't believe that)

      I picked up my first soldering iron at age 12 (against my dads best wishes) and was repairing amps for the older kids by age 14. At age 17 I designed a coupling horn and was granted a US Patent for it. Although I admit I never did anything with it. It is kinda nice to know other companies out there may be interested in it, but have to wait so many more years before it expires. I also hold several copyrights with the U.S. library of congress pertaining to works involving audio.

      At age 18 I went to school and obtained a piece of paper. They didn't really teach me much I didn't know, but it's a *really* _nice_ piece of paper :D

    I currently own/operate 'Audio Doctors' in PGH PA However the website is sad! I also lack any motivation to fix/update it as it's really not linked very well, and has not generated any good amount of new business. But thats OK with me because both myself and my few employees are steady booked with local work. I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had more work.

    I have numerous builds under my belt and have put my time in as an installer. However much like Steve I always did it for fun, and never went after any trophies.

    I was always a serious SQL guy. My best install was:

    4 x JL 18w6 (Man was JL pissed when these were comming back once a week)

    4 x Linear Power 8002sw (modded to 4.1HVS and stable to 1 ohm, no Ray didn't do these)

    1 x Linear power 5002IQ

    12 speaker front stage (assorted goods and crossovers)

    Linear Power x02 (burr brown mods / in center console)

    5 yellow tops

    2 HO alt's (who needs a smog pump?)

    H.U. ??? (I ran through a lot of these. Pioneer 5200 was my fav)

    Stuffed into an 86 Mustang SVO hatch...

    Never metered, and I never cared. hell, I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but I have a few of them laying around I really should dig up. During that time period you could find me in a movie theatre wearing the 'assisted listening devices' they offer. IR headphones FTW!

    I have decided to join after some consideration and browsing. I am a member of other forums but mostly lurk. I try and donate my time to educate when I can, but few people elsewhere seem to be on my level. Or the questions become monotaneous.

    Here on SMD I like what I see. I like the group, and I feel like I might fit in best here. It is far more relaxed, and doesn't seem to be riddled with BS marketing tactics and brand pushers. Although I did notice a few, hopefully Steve won't let it get out of hand.

    That being said, I have decided to donate some of my expertise where I can in my spare time to help educate and troubleshoot. My field is not limited to amplification but you will find out as we go. I am however by no means an expert in any other field aside from amplification. I can not give away my trade secrets, or tell you how to fix/mod your amplifier. But believe me that still leaves a lot of areas I _can_ help with.

    I am not here to troll for business. I am plenty busy when I go to work. If you have a problem, or in a desperate situation for whatever reason you can always drop me a PM. If your a nice guy/gal in a bad place (ie. finals in a week, two blown amps) We might be able to help.

    I am brutally honest. So if you ask for my opinion on your amp just by looking at it (which really isn't enough, but i'll try), be prepared to hear the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. I won't care if you built it yourself, or if your selling it. If your worried, don't ask ;)

      I don't take sides, and I don't push brands. Consider me unbiased.

    All that aside. I need to start 'pounding' out some posts!

    - Matt

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