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Posts posted by dmz2711

  1. Is there a way, such as a calculation, or some type of rule of thumb to determine what alternator, as well as how many batteries it will take to run a certain system? Are there any guidelines to determine these values? For example, lets say i have a 5000 watt system, can i plug that into an equation, or some sort of outline to determine what size alternator i would need, and how many batteries i would need? or if i wanted an 8000watt system, same thing.... Is there a rule, like for every 1000watts you need a certain amount of amps within a battery? :blink::blink: I am not trying to figure anything out for myself, I am just askin for basic knowledge to see if there is an easy way to determine this (mostly about the extra batteries part), thanks in advance!

  2. This build is turning out sweet!! Good job man!

    One quick question: what do you plan on for electrical? I know that the T15K doesn't need a load of batteries and alts (as compared to other amps), but how many alts/batteries/runs of wire are you planning for this thing?

    Again, good job man, can't wait to see more!!! :D

  3. yah that doesn't help out much lol....Anyways ear tunning is the best

    thanks, james, and nismofreak.... i'll try to tune by ear if nothin else works out, i am listening for distortion, correct? will i be able to tell when the distortion sets in? what will it sound like? dog turds??? :)

    if anyone else with experience knows how to set gains with the sqrt formula, i would appreciate the help, thanks!!!

  4. no you match the gain with the head units output voltage......Example: head unit gives out 4 volts out put ...on the amp match the knob to 4 volts output......yes you can have your have you bass knob hooked up but leave the bass knob at 0 db

    Correct me if wrong cuzz I might be...

    i understand what you are tyring to say, thanks. I was trying to set my gains, using a certain formula, and measuring the ac voltage from the speaker outputs. I just don't know why i am only seeing 10volts, when it should be near 38volts. Plus, my amp doesn't have numbers on it for gain, just a knob with dots.

  5. I have a kicker amp and i need to set the gains properly. The problem i am running into is when all my settings, such as bass, treb, loudness are at 0, i am getting minimal voltage (like 10 volts at the most) when i am suppose to be at 38.1v, and that is with volume at 3/4 as well. Should i increase the bass, or loudness level at all, to increase my voltage?

    another question i have is, should i keep my remote gain knob plugged in while doing this? or should i unplug it until i finish setting my gains? I am not sure if the remote gain controls the actual gain of the amp, or just max's out to what the gain knob on the actually chassis of the amp is set at? if anyone has experience with this, i need some help, thanks!!!

    btw, the first question was with the bass knob unplugged, i am just curious as to how i would set the gains with the knob plugged in (if i could ever get my voltage above 10). thanks !!! :blink:

  6. i was takin my morning dooker when i came up with the idea. I do my best thinking there :D

    i call that time my "personal reflection period" :)

    anyway, i'm still wonderin what type of enclosure it is, and how you came up with the calculations? i dunno if that is top secret info right now, if it is sorry for askin. lookin good either way!!! :)

  7. sorry for the delay, i found this pic on my photobucket. These are the screws im sending him for his subs. Thats a sheet rock screw next to them. They take a #3 bit ;)

    Posted Image

    sweet man, thanks for the pics of the screws. Like babyjoker said, where can we find them? I know you said you get them from your roofing company... but can we find them at any hardware store (homedepot, lowes)??

    once again, great work, and can't wait to see the final pics!!! :)

  8. heres a little clip to show how nice the airflow is in the box......with a blower aimed in a speaker hole, no wind goes to the other chamber but it HOWLS out of the port.......the triangle thing really diverts the air into the port :)

    heres a dumb little clip to show airflow....

    Posted Image

    that clip wasn't dumb at all. it was awsome, really shows the airflow in that box, great design! Can't wait to see the final product. :D

    now don't forget to get me some of pics of those high load screws and bits, so i know what your talkin about ;)

  9. thanks Alpine :)

    nahh i use nails and glue and rarely any screws. I will on occasion, they do have their place but mostly just clamp, glue, nail......dry - move to the next piece. I will however use screws to mount the subs :P

    Hey Meade, when you say you use screws to mount the subs, are they just normal wood/drywall screws or do you use machine bolts and some type of threaded insert like a t-nut? What did you use on your 4 18's? I'm tryin to figure out if normal screws are able to hold down a big ass 18" btl...

    BTW, sorry i didn't mention it earlier, but you have some of the sickest, cleanest builds ever. I fuggin love your work!!! B)

  10. I know end correction is factored in when you use a wall of the enclosure as part of the port, but what if you do not use the whole wall as part of your port, only part of it. Do you still factor for end correction?

    Ex- My width of the enclosure is 20", but i want the width of the port to be 10". That leaves me an extra 5" on each side of the enclosure wall that I will not be using for my port wall.... I technically am still using the enclosure wall as part of my port wall, just not the whole thing. :blink::huh:

  11. i was thinkin about gettin a cheap refurbished amp. like a rockford power series or somethin. my budget is like around 300$ . i need it to power three 12"s. Orion and 2 rockfords P2's. but anyway were might i find a reliable dealer for refrubished shit.

    i have seen alot of refurbished amps on ebay. From what i understand, they need to pass the same tests/standards as the new amps that leave the factory. The only thing that might be different is some markings or scratches on the outside of the amp, i guess they don't care about the amps asthetics.

    are you putting the 2 different subs into the same set up/ vehicle??

    i dont recommend it

    x2  i wouldn't do that either...

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