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Posts posted by mac460

  1. well the car woud be in my yard behind a chain link fence . woud have a swich for the relay to disarm when in the public . so can it be done?

    as for the cop coment how woud he get shocked the alarm woudent be on when youre driving the car. duh and if the cop is in my yard searching the car he gets what he deserves . and it must be a wiring problem then

  2. this is what i am planing to try . need some insite.

    ok i want to hook up a 12v eletrick fence shocker the the car alarm. so when the alarm goes off it trigers a realy and the e-fence comes on . now i can use ground straps that you put on a car to get rid of static and isolate them from grounding to the car. then hook up the shocker wire to the car . now am i going to fry the computer and audio in the process

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