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brian123 x

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Posts posted by brian123 x

  1. Im going to get the Hi fonix package. Probably. this is where I ordered my head unit from.

  2. ok well monoblocks are more efficent and turn more of the power they consume into music instead of heat and they are ment for bass the crossover is only for bass they dont have a high pass or any of that, and what is ur budget so we can suggest u an amp.

    My budget is not very expensive. how about this amp?


    would it pound?

  3. ^^ I agree. those amp selections are really bad for subwoofer use. Not a fan of any of those brand.

    well if you had to get a amp for the boss subwoofers which one would you get? Or which one would work. ??? please I need to know

    this one ---> http://www.amazon.co.../ref=pd_sim_e_4

    or ---> http://www.amazon.co...m=ATVPDKIKX0DER

    i just need to know which one will work. thats it. I dont know which one would be better. or which one will.????

  4. $200? ouch thats not much but ill try to find something.

    i dont know the price of a dc level 2 12" but call up DC tomorrow and ask for a quote for a D4 version.



    that amp will work with it. its not the best choice but your budget doesnt leave much to imagine. each one of my woofers almost covers your whole budget and they arent even that powerful lol

    well if you had to get a amp for the boss subwoofers which one would you get? Or which one would work. ??? please I need to know

    this one ---> http://www.amazon.com/Pyle-PLA2200-2-Channel-1400-Watt-Bridgeable/dp/B000CHRK6S/ref=pd_sim_e_4

    or ---> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DXF97C/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER

    i just need to know which one will work. thats it. I dont know which one would be better. or which one will.????

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