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Posts posted by Bass4Lyfe

  1. Okay - for my new build - David is building me the box (picking it up Saturday) and one 15" DC Level 4

    Getting a Sundown 1000D this Wed, sub this weekend or next Wednesday.

    I've got that figured out - just need some help with the wiring.

    Thinking of running 1/0 to be safe from battery under the hood (250 A fuse?)

    to the back, to a distro block, then some 4 gauge to teh Sundown amp.

    mids highis will be a 100.2 or .4 not sure yet, i'll run 8 guage to that from the distro block (distro has 4 gauge out - how would i reduce this?)

    I want a voltage meter somewhere in the system - where should this go? I want to know what both amps are running at

    As far as electrical, was thinking a nice new battery under hood and no change to the alt - maybe the big 3 and call it a day?

    car is in sig

    Hmm can't think of any other questions now, look for a build thread in the next week or 2!

    Thanks all

  2. when you've got multiple amps for your substage, you may want to be able to control all of them at once and have them do the same thing - like when you turn the bass knob up you want it to apply to all of the amps.

    maxilink (SP?) i think does this, there are other methods also. I'm not an expert in this area- hopefully someone else will chime in

  3. great thanks so much for the advice guys! thx - expo sport

    David - i know i'm getting excited now! the amp will be ordered wednesday, and the sub next wednesday.. (i get paid every wed haha :) )

    accordman - PM me with details okay? i'd be happy to buy from you if you're in the area!

    droptbottom - thx bro i'll look into it

    ISO - thx i've been checking their site out

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