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Everything posted by Saltine

  1. that car has the ignition start on the wheel and the padel shifters on the wheel......NICE!
  2. i had a problem similar in a 91 bronco 2. the highs overpowered the sub. turns out you had to turn the bass all the way up on the H.U. for it to really slam but it put all the bass into the highs also. so without some bass blocker things it was pointless...zero bass on the H.u. barely moved the sub other than that i dunno
  3. its manny fresh's ferrari F430 hardtop. i just done a dry type detail on it. nothing major but i had to snap a pic since i had my camera on me. i got some lovebugs off and dusted the whole car down for my buddies at the audio shop hes supposed to bring the white lambo gallardo spider back next week
  4. i told the cop, i said the only way this truck will peel tire is if its rainging, i put wide tires on and they dont peel out, go ahead and check them, there not sticky when he told me to go, hes like im just gonna give you a warning, now get out of here. i nicely asked, could you at least take the handcuffs off. then he asked the other cop for the key, what kind of cop carries cuffs without keys
  5. i know what you mean. i personally try to stay far away from bourbon period except like friday i took the ole lady out to eat and the place was half a block away. my usuall hang out spots are 1 block off canal on charters which is 2 blocks away from the good end of bourbon
  6. learn to drive b/f you do anything. thats all you need is tickets just starting out.
  7. here was about 6 blocks away from the wrong end of bourbon. hmmmm
  8. i was near the ghetto going to pick the old lady up. since i have a good quality camera now as i was driving i snapped this picture. where else could a man in a maardi gras indian costum walk down the street on stilts. nothing special happenign either. just out there walking around hopefully this photobucket picture works
  9. i know the truck was clean so i let them search. if i didnt either i would have definatly got a ticket for something or he would have looked for probale cause. better to let him look real quick and get it over with. yea in La. the gun is an extension of your home, as long as its yours and you have a copy of the paper work in the car for it.. and it can be loaded with 1 in the chamber, why have it if in life or death emergency if you have to pull it out, cock it and then aim. nah just have it ready always i went out last night and the same spot i got popped they had 2 state police searching someones car. as for the malibu it wasnt nuclear tire smoke and blacklining the street. the kid just kept stomping the gas form a dead stop and the tires would sreeeech prolly 2ft. i was just trying to enjoy my music and go home
  10. no man i know the routine, i was a lil buzzed last night and just short typed everything. when i get pulled over the gun in on the seat visible and loaded b/c its not illegal to keep it that way. putting it consealed in the glovebox however will get me in trouble my hands stay outside the truck and as the cop walks up i let him know i have it. he ordered me out the car and right away threw the cuffs on me. im very respectful with them and dont argue, just do what they say.
  11. man, i was doing everything right tonight just about. left the strip club after a few drinks. walked my buzz off. im riding witht the windows down and the music kinda knockin as my pg amp is fuckin up right now. im at a redlight on world famouse canal street and this lil kid ina 2000model malibu peels tire off from the light. next light again, next light again. bam blue lights cop pulled me over. out the car (let him know about my gun) right into handcuffs. the old cop told me to get rid of my gun so i dont shoot anybody for a stupid reason. they search my car, asked me if i was drinking, then asked me if i knew why they pulled me over. im like, well i guess the music was too loud, the cop said no you were peeling tire like a mad man back there, but turn that shit down anyway its too late. i explained my 4 banger wont peel out on dry ground in the end he just gave me a warning, but when i went to clean my truck up after they ransacked it. the cop goes dont touch anything just leave... i need a new car or some better luck
  12. anyone who tints the outside of the window is a moron straight up. as for bluish or purple tint its dyed cheap stuff, metalized tint last 3 times as long as the inked tint and in todays technical world you dont have to be a perfectionist anymore. i know the audio shop by my house has a machine youselect the vehicle and it cuts the tint out perfect you just have to apply i think theres a site tintdude.com that has tons of tips and tricks
  13. o yea, goota love the custom kicks holding some boston 6.5's.. i really need to remake them as i rushed them to get some sound in the truck and didnt reinforce them nor use proper material nor finish sanding them nor paint or covering them. but they started cracking where the fibergass meets the plastic panels
  14. the gun is there b/c im in my truck, i carry it on my lap or right next to me at all times. fully loaded 1 in the chamber ready to go safety is in the trigger. Louisiana has a law that states you have the right to shoot any attempt of a car jacking. im fully ready to enforce that law if someone tries to pull my door open. and being dark tinted up its hard for them to see it coming as for the 10" it recently started knocking foam loose from the seatback. real fine particles. i just got done yesterday upgrading the electrical a bit with 4gauge grounds and alt. wire. before that the truck would start bogging down at idle and crap. i plan to sell the w3 soon and upgrade to a 10" ssd but that means possible more electrical upgrades and 2 new amps which im not ready to buy yet
  15. s&w 9mm sigma series 17 rnds all hollowpoint always with me.
  16. it works, just scroll down and click the video that says JL10Bass
  17. ok try this photobucket crap. i bought a digi camera the other day that has audio/video too. sony cybershot w55 anyway it like most cameras doesnt pic up bass well but here is my remote running away to some sirius radio. little sealed JL w310" v2d4 on a PG 900.5 hope this works http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u86/SlimmSaltine/ Fixed...click the link -Chode
  18. Saltine


    i was looking at that same amp and have only heard bad things about it. so far. im going with 2 sundown 1500's for my 2 18" BL's
  19. there was a big car show today which had a pretty nice turnout. my friend had his truck in it but no sound b/c he burned his old orion amp up the new amp is in the mail right now upgraded to a us amps amp. anyway he just put the broken amp on top the speakerbox and hooked the rca's to it. i started telling ppl its a bluetooth amp no wires required and a few ppl were like no shit, man thats crazy. a few ppl knew and i laughed told them what was up. i thought that was koool
  20. i ordered my fi subs on a thursday. they arrived in my city on wednesday. ups held them for 1 day and had them to my door thursday a total of 7 days built, shipped, delivered from las vegas to New Orleans and i got the BL's
  21. 1 good thing happened and 1 not so good. good thing last night i won $555 on the roulette table so more money for the car. bad thing. i tried to freeair my 18" bl on the seat of my truck and the about the 300rms i had coming out my PG amp for my 10" jl well i hardly moved the cone on the sub and the amp went into protect..i'll say it again, the bls are one super stiff sub. i see ima need some real power
  22. check here. he has kits and prolly will make you brackets if not maybe he sells them seperatly. just email him http://www.candospecialties.com/
  23. i showed it to my friend at te audio shop, hes a salesman and push's jl and crap and doesnt know anything about fi. he told me o for the money your gonna spend you can buy a w7 blah blah blah. i told him, i got my 18" sub shipped to the door for $360 and i optioned it how i wanted it. he said, a sub like that shipped for $360, remember you get what you pay for, we cant even get a 13.5 w7 shipped for that much. i told him, youll see. today he seen it and went man this sub doesnt even move. (the sub is seriously stiff) im like man you gotta break it in. this is made in the USA, its built to take some abuse. then the head installer came out and was explaining a bunch of stuff to him, he was getting happy and said. let me know when you build the box, i'll help you if you need it.
  24. im still piecing the system together. gotta redue the whole eltrical to upgrade it for the 68 deville. get some amsp for the subs and they are not going in the car till i fix a few rust spots on the roof that leak into the trunk. once done then i'll build a box and bang them. i still need to figure a proper size box and port to do with these. i dont know which way they are going to go in the trunk either facing up, back forward.. i dont know right now. any suggestions
  25. my 2 18" BL's have arrived great service, only took 7 days. 18" and 38lbs of pure pleasure. i notices the backet is cast for a quad voice coil speaker. notice the cooling sqaures. i tried to get our shops digital camera to capture the flatwind coil but it started flickering when the camera got near the magnet
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