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Posts posted by alldaylong

  1. all i know is that it is very dangerous. most of the time, the people who havent paid for the vehicle are usually having some sort of problems they are dealing with, so you can imagine how much more pissed they become when they find their car being towed. you gotta get in, get out as quick as you can. my dad owns a car dealership and he deals with repo companies all the time, and they always have stories with him on how they find or repo the cars. the companies work with private detectives and police all the time. sometimes when they go to pick up the car, the husband or individual owning the car comes out yelling, and it goes downhill from there. ive heard stories of them getting punched, kicked, or even threatened to be killed. its a dangerous job. so make sure your ready. gl

  2. Dei will let some of their shops get new stuff b4 its released to the general market to put it out there as a test to see what kind of feedback they get or if their are anybugs they missed so they can clean it up. So technically when he posted this it was still being tested.

    Ah ha! Makes sense now... I've been looking at this alarm for a couple weeks now...soon to get a new car and have been looking into alarms for a while. Seems like a great alarm...

  3. I'm sorry but coming from a computer graphics, color comp, drawing, photographic knowledge that i've acquired in college, i would be scared to see other work.. the color and layout is very poor, the choice of color is horrible, the graphic at the bottom isnt too bad but with the outlines it looks crap especially the color, idk man, but you really gotta learn some design techniques and develop a color eye and stuff cuz i dont want to look at that again, it hurts my eyes....

    Show some other... better work.. and it may be considered but really... i think what we have now is doing the job and the logo fits everything we have right now so...

    you really don't have to be such an ass about it...i was just offering to do something for the site...no offense but you shouldnt have to act so conceited to people who are just trying to help out in whatever ways they can...especially when i made it clear that it was in no way trying to force anything upon the site..

    i cant bear cocky people like you alpine...and i apologize to SMD for ever offering

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